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今天我拍卖的是维尼熊。Its name is Winny Bear.

谢谢——我在拍卖时买的。Thanks—I got it on sale.

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这些女式超短裤在拍卖吗?Are these hot-pants on sale?

我这件衬衫是拍卖时买的。I bought this shirt in a sale.

炉子在拍卖中按成本费出售。Stoves sold at cost in a sale.

拍卖物品目录早在几天前就已售罄。Catalogs sold out days earlier.

那楝房子在拍卖时以很低价卖出。I shall sell my house by auction.

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你猜怎样着,吉莉?我两个拍卖都得标了。Guess what, Gilly ? I won both bids.

在拍卖中画主自己以高价买下。The painting was bid in at the sale.

他把他的财产拿出来拍卖。He put his possessions up for auction.

邮票集将在明天进行拍卖出售。The stamps will be auctioned tomorrow.

把它的图片贴到易趣网上,然后拍卖出去。Stick it up on eBay and auction it off.

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那楝房子在拍卖时以很低价卖出。The house went very cheaply at auction.

定期拍卖机制不同。The term auction facility is different.

本月将举行另一次拍卖。It will hold another auction this month.

杰克做的是小本拍卖。Jack is in a small way of auctioneering.

这架古钢琴被交付拍卖。The clavichord was on the auction block.

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杰克逊孩子抚养权不拍卖!Judge nixes custody bid for Jackson kids.

债券拍卖继续得到充分认购。Bond auctions continue to be well covered.

这家公司正举行夏季大拍卖。The firm was selling off its summer stock.