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就像戏剧一样。It reads like a play.

我喜欢戏剧片。I like dramatic films.

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我看了肖伯纳的一出戏剧。I saw a play of Shaw's.

则可能有更多的戏剧。Then there is more drama.

那曲新戏剧极为滑稽可笑。The new play was a scream.

生活是一场戏剧,你要演艺它。Life is a drama-perform it.

戏剧用对话体写。Plays are written in dialog.

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戏剧用对话体写。Plays are written in dialogue.

周玲安戏剧演出视频!Betty Zh betty ou Acting Video!

歌剧是谱上曲的戏剧。An opera is a play set to music.

对此“小戏剧”有何评论吗?Any comments on this mini drama?

我就是为这个受戏剧训练的!This was what I had trained for!

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他对戏剧演出也还在行。He was also great at theatricals.

实际上,这些是活的戏剧。In fact, these were living plays.

没有戏剧生活将会怎样?What would life be without drama?

乌斯季诺夫一生拍过大约90部电影,还写书和剧本,导演电影、戏剧和歌剧。He directed films, plays and operas.

为戏剧工作,我是这样的人,I work in drama, and I'm the person,

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大多数戏剧都是用对话体写的。Most plays are written in dialog ue.

这部戏剧赢得艾美奖的最佳节目奖。The drama won an Emmy for Best Show.

他导演了五部莎士比亚戏剧。He directed five Shakespearean plays.