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中午他已经深入了这个陌生的国度的腹地。By noon he was far into the alien country.

他不可能进入雅利安人骄傲的腹地!He would not dare enter the very heart of Aryan Pride!

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这个30平方英里的金融中心是香港的腹地。This 30-square-mile financial center is the heart of Hong Kong.

然而,敦煌处在大漠的腹地。However, Dunhuang is located in the hinterland of the great desert.

国民党军继续向边区腹地进犯。The Kuomintang forces continued their attacks into the border areas.

位于提贝斯提山脉的小镇巴尔达伊是撒哈拉沙漠腹地的一片绿洲。The village of Bardai is an oasis in the heart of the Sahara Desert.

新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,是典型的半干旱、干旱气候。Xinjiang lies in Eurasia inland, has typical half-arid, arid climate.

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中国的敦煌,现在深深陷入戈壁滩的腹地become deserts. Dunhuang in China, deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert

安徽省简称皖,省会城市合肥,位于华东腹地,是我国东部襟江近海的内陆省份。Anhui province is briefly named as Wan, with Hefei as the provincial seat.

邵阳即将成为湘中腹地新的交通枢纽。Shaoyang will be another new important hub of communications in central Hunan.

中国的敦煌,地处戈壁沙漠的腹地,曾经是个大都市。Dunhuang in China, deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert, was once a great city.

何其寂寥,何其圣洁与神秘,好像返回人类诞生的原始腹地。Such silence, such holiness and mystery is like returning to our ancestors' wombs.

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红豆峡两头出口狭窄,腹地开阔,形似葫芦。Red bean exports two narrow gorge, the hinterland of the open, the shape of gourds.

塔克拉玛干腹地沙漠砂具有特殊的岩土工程性质。The desert sands in central Taklimakan Desert have peculiar engineering properties.

一般咸认港口与其腹地之间有非常密切的关系。The close relationship between a harbor and its hinterland has long been recognized.

美国工业腹地的钢铁生产城市在这几十年中屡遭重创。Steelmaking cities in the American industrial heartland were battered over these decades.

在南部腹地,水流较为徐缓的江河是商业贸易的水上干线。In the deep South, the more gently flowing rivers serve as highways of trade and commerce.

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长岭县位于吉林省西部,松辽平原腹地。Changling County is located at the west of Jilin Province, the hinterland of Songliao Plain.

在曼联这边他那个瘦削了些的新形象无处不在,穿插在敌人腹地。His new, slimmer silhouette seemed to be everywhere, at the heart of everything his side did.

普陀区是上海发展现代服务业的腹地。Putuo District is the hinterland where Shanghai plans to develop the modern service industry.