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它们被循环利用了They get recycled.

利用再生纸。Use recycled paper.

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巫师利用梦来诊断疾病。to diagnose illness.

不要利用我!Srop trying to use me!

利用最弱的链接。Embrace the weakest link.

⊙、如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。Life is long, if can use.

而细菌利用它产酸。The bacteria produce acid.

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怎么利用冒险游戏?How to use adventure games?

有成效地利用时间。Use your time productively.

他利用了这个机会。He exploited an opportunity.

一个办法是利用广告。One way is with advertising.

利用纯物质的性质。And using the pure substance.

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需要学怎么样利用它去思考问题。It's about using it to think.

他们利用了他的轻信。They traded on his credulity.

使用可回收利用的购物袋。Use recyclable shopping bags.

水是清洁和重新利用。Water was cleaned and re-used.

为什么不利用你们的财富?Why not profit by your riches?

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我将利用低洼地放牧。I shall graze the bottom field.

如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。Life is long if you can use it.

他们也利用泥鳅的信息。They make use of the loach too.