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可设置定时开关机。To set the timer switch.

可定时启动录音。Timing can start recording.

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定时和“剂量”也是重要的。Timing and "doses" also matter.

录像机定时与控制?。VTAC? Video Timing And Control?

这样的定时设备应该是怎样的?What should the timing device be?

要有一个定时的播客。Have regularly-scheduled podcasts.

他生活起居都应该有定时。He ought to live by regular hours.

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定时被看作是很有规矩。Being on time is considered good manners.

定时地有意识地保持联系吧。Stay in touch with regularity and intent.

来日诰日各人都要定时到。Everybody should be here in time tomorrow.

这架相机装有快门自动定时装置吗?Is this camera equipped with a self-timer?

这些树的皮会定时脱落。The bark of the trees peels off regularly.

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设有定时装置,搅拌时间可调。Timing device adjusts the time for mixing.

有个男人定时来收废品。A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.

定时检查手指尖了解血液流通情况。Regularly check the thumbnail for circulation.

具有定时功能,保证较佳火候。Timer function, ensuring optimum steaming effect.

我们来日诰日早上定时到北京。We are going to Beijing tomorrow morning on time.

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养成每日定时排便的习惯。Nurturance is daily and time the habit of defecate.

女人需要定时去看妇科医生做检查。Women need regular checkups with their gynecologist.

解体超过5小时,定时释放受益。Disintegrates over 5 hours for timed-release benefit.