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他素日不爱说话。He is usually very quiet.

在北京,交通梗塞不只发作在节假日期间,素日里这也是常有的事。In Beijing, traffic jams happen not only during holidays, but also on ordinary days.

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素日跟我的人,随身自有钟表,不论大小事,我是皆有一定的时辰。My own servants have clocks and watches, because everything large or small must be done on time.

她来到他办公室,看到他桌上一袋自己素日最爱吃的干果。She went to his office and found a bag of dried fruit, which was her favorite food, on his desk.

素日只涂些口红,上些眼影,就可使整团体看起来亮丽小气。Suri just put some lipstick on some eye shadow, so that the entire group can look beautiful stingy.

素日同厨房的几个丫头交好,也会替她们做些事。Day of vegetable attach a few wenches of the kitchen are on good terms, ambition also do some materials for them.

然后就是素日里的化装,肯定要保质保量,并且肯定要与你的皮肤兼容!!!Then in the dressing Suri is definitely to the quality and quantity, and will certainly be compatible with your skin!

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简单介绍了几种在黄曲霉素日常检测中经常应用的分析方法原理和优缺点,并进行了比较。The article introduces and compares the principle, advantages and disadvantages of and several aflatoxin analysis method.

下垫面差异只起到加强或缓和气象要素日变化幅度的作用。The difference between different underlying surfaces only helps increase or decrease the daily variation amplitude of the elements.

原来,母亲逝世后留下了一笔小财富,而素日给人印象和蔼的继父竟欲独占财富而谋杀两姐妹。Because their mother left them a batch of wealth after she passed away, so the father who was friendly and kind in usual wanted to kill the twins and steal the assets.

选取山东有代表性的5个台站2005年9个月的自动站资料进行统计,得出其主要气象要素日极值在各时间点上的分布情况。On the basis of the 9-month observational data from five representative AWS in 2005, daily extremum distributions of main meteorological elements were obtained by the statistical method.