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你要是帮不上忙,就不要瞎搅和。If you're not going to help, don't help.

你要是帮不上忙,就不要瞎搅和。If you are not going to help, don't help.

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英国、美国和以色列都拒绝承认这些谣传,而苏联很快就通知埃及说他们的情报显示美军没有搅和到战斗里面。Britain, the U.S. and Israel denied these allegations.

搅和与窃笑成为那个戏剧演员的标志。The shuffle and snicker become the comedians trademark.

你们爱搅和鼓动,而且你们爱打开爆裂的系统。You love rabble-rousing, and you love to bust systems open.

当然他也不会在金融市场里瞎搅和。Not for him the rough and tumble of the financial marketplace.

紧张局势甚至搅和得金融市场都更加活跃。Escalating tensions have even helped rattle global financial markets.

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把胎膜发霉的肺脏以及气管剁碎,搅和在一起来冒充。Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up . puzzle find the meat.

对于他的批评者,他是在美国市场火烧屁股的时候瞎搅和的家伙。To his critics, he'she's the man who fiddled while America's markets burnt.

似乎她命中注定要与那些瞧不起她的男人搅和在一起。It seemed to be her fate to become involved with men whose presence cheapened her.

每天早上调一杯牛奶冰激凌搅和饮料,并说你的饮食中需要更多纤维素。Blend a Metamucil shake every morning, saying that you need more fiber in your diet.

如果几个小时后依然没有起色,那就搅和4到6个月吧。If it still looks like that after an hour, continue stirring for four to six months.

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他们为妇女健康选择权益保护而搅和。They’re stirring up fights over a woman’s right to make her own health care choices.

另外一个孩子则用一根树梢搅和地上的泥浆,作出一块“巧克力-香草-草莓-草药布丁”。Another made 'chocolate-vanilla-strawberry-herbal pudding' by stirring mud with a twig.

在针对女孩的抽签中,Shim太太将球搅和了一下,然后抽出了一个素色球。In the lottery for girls, Ms. Shim mixed the box a little, then pulled out a plain ball.

到吃晚饭时,我把剩菜剩饭热了热,胡乱搅和了一碗来对付儿子们。At supper time, I warmed up some leftovers, and mixed them together into a bowl for my sons.

但是有势力为了最后一英里的控制来搅和这场游戏。But there are forces mucking up the game for those who would profit most from last-mile control.

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然而不大一会,那些分布在低层的乌合之众一搅和,又罩上了一层迷雾。But a moment later, the shroud reappears, driven together by the churning of a deep distributed mob.

如果你没有食物搅和机,可以使用马铃薯捣碎机来捣碎。You may have to do this in stages. If you don't have a food processor, mash it up with a potato masher.

形象地说,这些前辈们早已被碾碎然后与诸多文化的根源搅和在一起。Figuratively speaking, of course, those fathers having long been ground up and turned into so much cultural mulch.