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阳光下,年夜海波光粼粼。The sea sparkled in the sunlight.

密歇根湖在阳光下波光粼粼。Lake Michigan shimmers in the sun.

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是波光影调吟诵的十四行诗。Is a sonnet chanted by glistening waves.

我们希望看见一条干净的波光鳞鳞的河。We want to see the river sparkling clean.

休耕地似水面波光闪耀。The fallow fields glitter like water indeed.

尽管是阴天,还是有阳光穿透乌云,把四周宜人的风景和湖面上的波光粼粼变得如梦如幻。Though the lake is overcast, enough sunlight

现在我躺在我那波光粼粼的水池里Now here I lie in my pool of shimmering light

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星尘珠轻轻地有波光粼粼的外面。Stardust beads have a softly shimmering surface.

我可以告诉你的世界,闪耀,波光粼粼,华丽。I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid.

海平静安稳,在阳光下波光粼粼。The sea, tranquil and smooth , was sparkling in the sun.

俯望海面粼粼的波光曲线。The glistening light of waves is swimming on the sea top.

白丝带似的河流在阳光下波光粼粼。The white belt-like rivers were gleaming in the sunshine.

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晴空万里,湖上月光波光粼粼。The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake.

我爱画水面漾起涟漪时反射出的粼粼波光。I love to paint the light reflected off water when it ripples.

望月水中,波光粼粼,微微月影被湖面拉长。Moon water, glittering, slightly elongated shadow is the lake.

这里,溪流清澈明净,水草在阳光下闪着金色的波光。Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun.

点击波光粼粼的面积为一个隐藏的对象区域的中心屏幕上。Click on the sparkling area center screen for a hidden object area.

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在这微风吹拂和波光闪烁的河上溯流而上,真是令人陶醉的经历。The sail up the breezy and sparkling river was a charming experience.

上学路上,我盾见波光粼粼的河水,我这样踏水。I saw a shiny river and I splashed like this, all on my way to school.

任你梨涡浅笑,波光婉转,我也不会再停歇片刻。You can duck, shimmering tactfully, that I will not stop for a moment.