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危险,上面有人施工!Danger, men working over-head!

小面积施工或修补可采用刷涂或辊涂。Brush or roller for small areas.

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基本上,这是个施工重地。It's a building site, basically.

格宾网箱施工怎样组装?Gabion construction how to assemble?

现场施工开始于3月。On-site construction began in March.

水库正在施工。The reservoir is under construction.

施工现场严禁烟火。The scene strictly forbids fireworks.

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他为该工程设计了一套新的施工方案。He designed a new plan for the project.

施工时请使用橡胶或乳胶手套。Wear rubber or latex gloves when using.

小面积施工或修补允许采用刷涂。Brush for small areas and touch-up only.

设计施工一体项目获得的程序是什么?。What is a Design-Build Acquisition Process?

赵固二矿副井内壁施工时采用14套1。The inner walls construction used 14 sets 1.

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此电梯仅供施工人员使用。This lift is only for construction personal.

我的卫星导航器那正在施工。My GPS says that street's under construction.

许多道路施工正带来短期的痛苦。Lots of roadworks are causing short-term grief.

我们复制了一份同样的施工简图。We reproduced a same working schematic diagram.

北街小学施工现场的张贴板报。A poster at the Beijie School construction site.

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路上施工阻碍了交通。Roadworks on the way are holding up the traffic.

动物园现在施工,我们是施工人员。The zoo constructs now, we are the constructors.

高速公路上的道路施工阻碍了访问量。Road-stays on the highway are holding up traffic.