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事实上,洋葱价格上涨令印度政府如临大敌。In fact, prices of onion guard that the Government of India.

神谷的到来令陈天放如临大敌,决定不惜一切代价诱捕神谷。The arrival of the Chen Tianfang Valley guard, decided at all costs to trap the valley.

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随着这一里程碑时刻的即将到来,各支车队在准备方面都是“如临大敌”。With this milestone in the coming time, the teams are preparing for "a formidable enemy."

欧洲的金融系统首当其冲,欧盟国家如临大敌。Bear the brunt of the financial system in Europe, the European Union country on its guard.

现场几位负责的工作人员更是忙得满头大汗,如临大敌。The staff member that the spot is in charge of a few times is more busy sweating, if face archenemy.

在许多国家,复苏依旧疲软,但物价上涨的威胁已使决策者和公众如临大敌。Despite a weak recovery in much of the world, the threat of rising prices preoccupies policymakers and the public.

有些学生倾向以语音学习语文,因此他们能够很好地掌握以音节为主的语文如英文和德文,而面对华文时却如临大敌。Some students learn best phonetically, and would be excellent at phonetic languages like English and German but miserable with Chinese.

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虽陈冠希与寰亚老板林建岳均认为子弹恐吓是一场笑话,但昨日现场的安保还是严阵以待,个个如临大敌。Although Edison Chen and Lin Yue Media bosses are threatening think bullets are a joke, but yesterday at the scene or to prepare security, all guard.

近日美国一个中学老师以刺杀总统奥巴马为例讲解几何,这番言论一出,警察们顿时如临大敌。Jefferson County teacher picked the wrong example when he used assassinating President Barack Obama as a way to teach angles to his geometry students.

还有许多人面对他们前进道路上的每一个障碍时都带着畏惧和疑惑,如临大敌,实际上,这些障碍都是朋友和助手。Many others face each obstacle in their path with fear and doubt and consider them as enemies when, in truth, these obstructions are friends and helpers.

同样,对待银行的破产人们如临大敌,却几乎看不到对个人在私人信贷紧缩中受到打击处于困境的关注。Similarly, the crash of the banks is treated a seismic shock, while the plight of individuals caught in their personal credit crunch is almost invisible.

我们三个穿过每个人都如临大敌的营地中央,径直向西南角的孤零零的旧帐篷走过去。We 3 once wore all like facing mortal enemy encampment of everybody the center, the path keeps face west the alone and helpless old tent of south Cape walk over there.

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奶奶却如临大敌,两手在我身下接着,生怕娘的疯劲一上来,将我像扔垃圾一样丢掉。But grandmother seemed to face the approaching enemy, put her hand below me in fear that mother would throw me away like garbage in case that mother's psychosis attack.

能源诱发的物价上涨将带来更低的通胀率,工资也可能不会跟涨,所以央行没必要如临大敌。Global output is less oil-intensive. Inflation is lower and wages are much less likely to follow energy-induced price rises, so central banks need not respond as forcefully.

波兰警方得知这一消息之后如临大敌,立即召集计算机专家,并最终将发言人的地址锁定在位于波兰中部的一个城市普沃茨克。Polish police guard after he heard the news, immediately called a computer expert and spokesman for the address will eventually be locked in the middle of a city in Poland Plock.

一位有经验的教师曾经说,上课之前他觉得如临大敌,上课时他是如履薄冰,只有上完课后他才会如释重负。An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on eggs, and only after class would he feel relieved.

擎天见四喜一会儿拿刀一会儿舞剑一副如临大敌的样子,诧异地问他怎么了,四喜便说真的有敌人要来,就是九妹的八姐。Giant see four happy moment sword sword a pretense of being nervous, surprisedly asked him whats wrong, four xi was seriously with the enemy comes, nine sister eight elder sister.

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总有些企业难以适应,呈现惶惶不可终日之态,他们总希望各种各样的变化和影响不要侵蚀到自身,把一些经济发展中客观存在的危机看得如临大敌。Some enterprises will render in a constant state of the State, they always want all kinds of changes and impact do not eroded to itself, economic development objective crisis was so very much see?the.