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我并不娇生惯养,我可以自己做好这个。I'm not a mama's boy, I can do it by myself.

作为家中的老小被娇生惯养,我的愿望被满足了。Being the youngest and spoilt, my with was granted.

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他是娇生惯养的男孩,一个人做不来这个。I am afraid that you find a husband who is mama's boy.

她不肯意被人家贴标签是有钱人家娇生惯养的令媛年夜蜜斯。She doesn't want to be labeled as a pampered rich girl.

他太娇生惯养了,离开母亲就无法自理生活了。He is a mama's boy and he can't live without his mother.

依偎在了我们的床垫礼帽娇生惯养的支持。Snuggle down in cosseted support on our Mattress Topper.

生为一个娇生惯养的大少爷,这是易奕能表现出来的最大的善意。Born to be a spoiled gentleman, this is the biggest Yi Yi can show goodwill.

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“现在的女孩正在越来越娇生惯养并且跟注重她们的外表,”她说。"Girls are becoming more feminised and more concerned with their looks, " she says.

“现在的女孩正在越来越娇生惯养并且跟注重她们的外表,”她说。“Girls are becoming more feminised and more concerned with their looks, ” she says.

他说,“我最不想变成一个娇生惯养的人,像温室里的花朵一样。"The last thing I want to be is mollycoddled or wrapped up in cotton wool, " he said.

我觉得自己很了不起,可以坚持到最后,比起娇生惯养的同学好得多。I feel very great, you can stick to the end, students are much better than the cosseted.

有一点非常重要,我们不能总是被当作气急败坏、忘恩负义、娇生惯养的大学生。It is very important that we aren't always seen as angry, ungrateful, spoiled, college-kids.

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因此,应该开放那些娇生惯养产业和改革劳动力市场。So top billing should go to deregulating cosseted industries and reforming the labour market.

埃莱娜有点娇生惯养,可是我相信,她会习惯她的新家,帮你做家务的。Look, Elena's a little spoiled. But I'm sure she'll get used to her new home and help you with the housework.

我承认我身上有些娇生惯养的小脾气,也会无理取闹过,但是我从来没说过分手!I admit that I found that some spoiled little temper, but also vexatious before, but I never said that breaking up!

“你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”"You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. "

江帆说,“一些母亲认为独生子女会感到孤独并且娇生惯养。”"Some mothers think only-children suffer from loneliness and can become spoiled, " the minister was quoted as saying.

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孩子们得到娇生惯养并在公社的学校里接受教育,包括了所有青少年,而没有时间吸毒和恶意破坏的行为。Children are pampered and educated in commune schools. Adolescents are completely involved, and have no time for drugs or vandalism.

我的爸妈连高中都没有上过,但他们确实已经竭尽全力把最好的东西给了我——他们娇生惯养的独生女。Both of my parents didn't have the chance to go to the high school, but they have given the best they have to me, their spoilt only daughter.

片中,一只有如被话题女星派瑞丝希尔顿娇生惯养的狗狗,在墨西哥穷街陋巷走失了,放眼望去,没有任何一家美疗沙龙或比佛利山庄罗迪欧大道的精品店。In it, a pampered Paris Hilton-friendly pooch gets lost in the mean streets of Mexico without a day spa or Rodeo Drive boutique anywhere in sight.