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是我一时有感而发。I was inspired in the moment.

得了前列腺炎有感觉吗?什么感觉?Got prostatitis to there is a feeling? What feeling?

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我的腿部肌肉有感,有时还会感到有点麻木。The muscles in my legs ache, sometimes with numbness.

你对”此尔,别逞英雄”这句话有感觉吗?Do the words, "Billy, don't be a hero, " mean anything to you?

波音公司有一套配有完整航空电子配件的飞行试验台在帮助我们,学习王伯祥有感。Boeing has a flying testbed with a full avionics suite to help us.

雷吉-米勒在雷-阿伦打破NBA历史3分球纪录后,有感而发。Reggie Miller on Ray Allen breaking his record, becoming 3pt king.

你也可以有感而写,然后按以上几点进行检查。Then go over what you have written according to the above mentioned points.

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歌谣有感而发,信手拈来,情真意切地表现出他们的喜怒哀乐。This spontaneous ballad gives a truthful expression to all types of the singers' feelings.

她有感学海无涯,打算继续深造硕士课程。With so many things yet to learn, Venus plans to pursue a Master's degree after graduation.

人心有感万物之美,自然界借助了艺术家才能的发挥,作第二步的创作,即艺术。Thus in art does Nature work through the will of a man filled with the beauty of her first works.

然而,靴子着陆的地点距离原定目标相去甚远,霍华德先生有感而发,称它是“可悲的一掷”。However, the boot landed far short of its mark, prompting Mr Howard to bemoan the "pathetic throw".

聚丙膜有感结构,容量稳定,损耗小,绝缘电阻高。Polypropylene film feeling structure. Stable capacity. Small dissipation. High insulation resistance.

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这是经过自己实验的抗过敏的好东东,有感兴味的冤家可以去看看哦。This is the result of his experiment a good anti-allergy stuff, felt interest of the enemy can see Kane.

金利来公司有感杨鸿的正义行为,后来奖励杨鸿2000元钱。Jinlilai the company has the feeling Yang Hong just behavior, afterward rewarded Yang great wild goose 2000 Yuan.

你知道我等着“抓住勺子”等了多久吗?你对“比里,别逞英雄”这句话有感觉吗?Do you know how long it's been since I've grabbed a spoon? Do the words 'Billy, don't be a hero' mean anything to you?

有感范围半径可达250公里,远在西南的重庆也有明显震感。Its destruction radius was up to 250 kilometers, which caused 14 provinces to feel the earthquake, involving Chongqing.

杜甫经过盐官时,有感而发,作诗记述了这里卤中草木白,轻者官盐烟。Yanguan after Du Fu, the words, wrote a poem described here in the vegetation halogen white, salt officer who smoke light.

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有感会堂陈旧,计画在张恩光弟兄奉献的地皮重建会堂。Feeling that the church was obsolete, they planned to construct a new church on the land donated by Bro. Chong En Kong with Dn.

火狼有感飞鹰处处阻挠计划,遂下战书约飞鹰一较高下。The fire wolf has the feeling hawk everywhere to obstruct the plan, then under war declaration approximately hawk one high under.

对警队工作充满热诚及抱负的李SIR,有感杂务科的真正任务有违道德。Works to the police force fills sincere and aspiration Li SIR, has the feeling odd job branch true duty to have disobeys the morals.