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请调一下室内天线。Please adjust the antenna.

请调弱底线张力。Decrease the bobbin thread tension.

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请调强底线张力。Increase the bobbin thread tension.

请调大音量仔细聆听。Turn up the volume and listen closely.

请调警察来恢复秩序。Please call in police to restore order.

请调一下收音机的声音。Please regulate the sound of the radio.

请调一下那个收音机的音量。Please regulate the sound on that radio.

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音乐太吵人了,请调低点音吧。The music is too loud. Please turn it down.

所以请调高室内温度或盖一条毯子。Raise the room temperature or use a blanket.

那音乐太吵,请调低点。That music is too loud . Please turn it down.

在照相之前请调准照相机的焦距。Before you take photos, please adjust the focus of your camera.

如果你确实需要音乐来调节,请调低音量并只一只耳朵戴耳塞。If you really need music as a distraction, keep the volume low and one earbud out.

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别忘了睡着时人体温度会下降。所以请调高室内温度或盖一条毯子。Remember that body temperature drops when you fall asleep. Raise the room temperature or use a blanket.

我们都递交了去那里的请调报告和自我评估表,现在就等着听回信了。We’ve all submitted our Requests for Transfer and our Self-Assessment Worksheets and now we’re just waiting to hear.

随着参与者对于异国请调课程的兴趣更浓之际,短期夏季项目参与者人数增加了。The number of participants in short-term summer programs has swelled, as has the interest in courses at more exotic locales.

沙摩塞是承办凶杀案的资深员警,行将退休,而米尔斯是新手,一付兴致昂扬,自愿请调至这一分局。Sha Mose is the host of senior homicide police, who will soon retire but Mills is a novice, to pay a high interest, please voluntarily to the branch.

地球之友发起了“请调暗灯光”运动,号召零售商及大厦业主设定关灯时间,以在营业时间外节约能源、减少污染。In an initiative named "Dim It Please," Friends of the Earth called on retailers and building owners to set a lights-off time after business hours to conserve energy and reduce emissions.