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他的公司快要倒闭了.His company is almost broke.

那家公司于1999年倒闭。That company folded in 1999.

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他的买卖去年倒闭了。His business crashed last year.

北岩要倒闭的谣言Northern Rock is going to fail.

但它后来倒闭了But they just went out of business.

一些小型开发商将倒闭。Some small developers will go under.

他在工厂倒闭后失业了。He was out of work when the factory closed.

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如果四大之一倒闭,就由他去吧。If one of the big four collapses , so be it.

纽约股票交易所于一九二九年倒闭。The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929.

一旦银行倒闭,它们就会摧毁经济。When banks fail, they devastate the economy.

现在似乎要倒闭了,这真的让人很难过。And it's just dying, it was really sad and so,

你的小小错失使我们的公司倒闭!Little miss your company so that we close down!

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他们看着本地价格昂贵的麦劳特关门倒闭。They saw McDota, the local rip-off, close down.

不管你喜不喜欢,这些公司依旧庞大到不能倒闭。Like it or not, these firms remain too big to fail.

银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。When money is in short supply,many businesses fail.

你的小小错失使我们的公司倒闭!滚!Little miss your company so that we close down! Roll!

由于他管理不善,他的公司倒闭了。His company went under because of his poor management.

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闹市区的商店将会成批的倒闭关门。High street stores will fail and close by the hundreds.

这是美国历史上破产倒闭的规模最大的一家银行。What is seen as the largest bank failure in U.S. history.

几家最大的银行在经济萧条期倒闭了。Several of the biggest banks failed during the depression.