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发行量出现了巨幅下滑。There’s been a dramatic drop in circulation.

通常挂在墙上或天花板上的巨幅画。A large-scale painting, usually on a wall or ceiling.

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一般挂正在墙上或天花板上的巨幅画。A large-scale painting, usually on a wall or ceiling.

五面巨幅帷幕将参观者引入夜色中的特里阿农园。Five giant backdrops beckon the visitor into the Trianon garden by night.

一样平常挂在墙上或天花板上的巨幅画。A large-scdraugustht beer painting! usuficnearlyy on a wa certainy ceiling.

一对姐妹在金刚山景区巨幅地图前找位置。A couple point out sites on massive map along a wall in Mount Kumgang resort.

在俱乐部外,林的比真人还大的巨幅招贴画装饰在道路上。Outside the club, bigger-than-life posters of Ms. Hayashi adorned the street.

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他跟我说这个的时候,正站在他的巨幅自画油画像前。As he told me this, he was standing underneath a giant oil painting of himself.

跟其它平地城市一样,亚特兰大过去也从未出现过房屋价格的巨幅波动。And like other Flatland cities, Atlanta never saw much of a housing price surge.

在东京代代木公园的建筑上,依稀可见“2016东京奥运会”的巨幅海报。Large posters reading " Tokyo 2016" tower from buildings at Tokyo's Yoyogi Park.

当巨幅幕布从自由女神像落下,自由女神展现在人们面前时,每一个人都禁不住热烈欢呼。Everyone cheered wildly when a signal was given and a huge cloth fell from the statue.

利比亚的直升机下吊着巨幅绿色国旗,一支军乐队在直升机下方的广场上演奏。Libyan helicopters towed vast green flags as an army band performed on the square below.

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巨幅的瀑布在100米的高处从天而降,流入到强捍的赞比西河。The huge curtain of falling water drops more than 100 meters into the mighty Zambezi River.

之后,安迪又搞了一幅丽塔?海华丝的巨幅海报贴在了牢房的墙上。After Andy has carried out for a Rita?Haihua wire attached to a huge poster of the cell wall?

本站将连续推出多集巨幅的内衣模特壁纸,精彩纷呈啊!Site will be a huge sales success of multiple sets of underwear model wallpaper, colorful ah!

盘锦边防支队官兵在辽河三角洲的红海滩上制成巨幅国旗。A giant national flag is seen on the red beach in Panjin, Northeast China's Liaoning Province.

那位艺术家耗时数年画成的巨幅绘画盖满了教堂的整个天花板。The artist spent years on his monument al painting, which covered the whole roof of the church.

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阿披实总理说,“我们已经看到东盟内部贸易与投资的巨幅增长。"Already we have seen tremendous growth in intra-ASEAN trade and investment," Mr. Abhisit said.

地板上有巨幅的职棒大都会队与杨基队徽图案,有一个很像纽约地下铁的遮阳走道。Giant floor designs of the Mets and Yankees emblems, an arcade evoking the city's subway system.

共同变动的步部分反映了近些年全球商品价格的巨幅变动。This co-movement partly reflects the large changes in global commodity prices over recent years.