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她上夜校一贯按时出席。She's a regular attender at '.

晚饭后,我还要到夜校上课。After dinner, I go to night school.

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业余时间我在夜校授课。In my spare-time, I teach night classes.

有许多培训锻炼班与夜校。There are lot training classed or night classes.

她一个学期学完一年的课程,晚上去上夜校。She did a year's work a term and went to night classes.

她与她的兄弟就伴一同去上夜校。She was accompanied by her brother for the night school.

目前,读夜校在中国极为风行。To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China.

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既要读夜校又要上班,你一定很累。A-You must get tired with night school and your regular job.

也可根据需要举办假日班或夜校班。Training programs on holiday and at night are also available.

老大爷上夜校以后,脑筋更开通了。After attending evening classes Grandpa became more open-minded.

夜校开设了英文班、法文班以及德文班。The night school has started up classes in English, French and German.

毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校。I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation.

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因此我白天工作以支付学费,晚上去读夜校以学习知识。I enrolled in college in the evening, working during the day to support myself.

她的生活非常艰难,需要养活一家人,晚上还要上夜校读书。She has a hard life. She supports her whole family and goes to school at night.

一年半的夜校就可以让你赶上去,可以少读六个月,而且能给你时间写作。A year and a half of it might enable you to catch up that additional six months.

白天我要上班,所以上夜校是一个很好的选择。I have to work at daytime, so going to evening classes is the best choice for me.

她不顾父母的强烈反对,决定去上夜校。She decided to go to the evening school regardless of her parents’ strong objection.

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后来她上夜校学速记和打字,费用由公司负担。She studied shorthand and typewriting at evening classes for which the company paid.

我知道,但是我想报读夜校,参加企业管理的课。BI know, but I'm going to enroll in a night school to take a course in business management.

但是由于不能找到一份助理教师的工作,她决定报名参加一个夜校的律师助理课程。Unable to find a job as a teacher's aide, she decided to enroll in paralegal classes at night.