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覆盖植物保护土壤墒情,抑制杂草。Mulch plants to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds.

反距离加权法适合田间墒情预测。IDW is suitable for drought distribution prediction in the field.

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为镇赉县土壤墒情合理优化提供科学依据。The reasonable scientific basis was provided for soil tilth optimization.

两熟棉区在前茬作物收获后,根据墒情确定灌溉与否。After cropping cotton crops before harvest, irrigation based on moisture content or not.

太原市气象台工作人员介绍说,此次降雪过程将对净化空气、增加土壤墒情大为有利。Taiyuan observatory staff said that the snowfall will purify the air, increase soil moisture greatly beneficial.

结果表明,该天德州市的土壤墒情基本上适宜冬小麦生长。The result indicated that Dezhou's soil state of moisture retention basically is suitable winter wheats' growth.

土壤墒情与旱情监测工作是抗旱减灾和旱作节水农业技术推广的基础。Soil moisture and drought is the foundation of drought mitigation and monitoring and water-saving technology extension.

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使用土壤水分快速测量装置,在北京郊区进行了不同面积、大样本的田间墒情测量。The experiments of soil moisture content in different fields have been done by soil moisture fast-measurement instrument.

土壤墒情受地下水影响较大,地下水位较浅的地区不容易出现干旱。The soil water is influenced by underground water greatly. The areas with lower underground water level are less attacked by droughts.

在建立模型后,用实测数据与模型的预测数据相比较说明ARIMA时间序列模型能较好地拟合与预测土壤墒情的变化趋势。By comparing the measured value with the estimated value, it is showed that the ARIMA model can preferably fit soil moisture time series.

在东北的半干旱地区,由于春季干旱造成土壤墒情的不足,严重影响着大田作物的出苗和前期生长发育。In the northeast of China, because of the drought in spring lead to the lack of soil water, which influent sprout and seedling of crops gravely.

通过GIS软件,系统能实时监测大面积区域内的土壤墒情状态并做出土壤墒情空间分布图。The large area real-time soil moisture content state was monitored and the spatial distribution map of soil moisture was drawn by a GIS software.

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土壤墒情常用土壤重量含水率、土壤体积含水率或土壤吸力来表示。The soil moisture content is usually expressed by the soil gravimetric moisture content, the soil volumetric moisture content or the soil suction.

此模型在2003-2006年的关键期土壤墒情预测中得到验证,并取得了明显的服务效果。A forecast model was established and validated by forecasting the soil moisture content during of the critical period of spring sowing in 2003-2006.

土壤墒情预报是实施农田土壤水分有效调控的基础和前提。The forecast of soil moisture is the most effective way for understanding the dynamic changes of soil water and regulating the status of soil water.

回顾总结了国内外土壤墒情预报研究发展的历史和现状,并对几种预报模型进行了重点对比分析。This paper summarizes the research advances of soil moisture forecast at home and abroad, and analyzes the basic theories of different forest models.

植物似乎更是发生在放牧或轻中度也许由于土壤墒情较好的条件较轻微发现沉重放牧。More plants seem to occur where grazing is light or moderate, perhaps because of the slightly better soil moisture conditions than are found under heavy grazing.

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已有的农业干旱研究中,土壤墒情的模拟与干旱程度的动态评估常常是独立进行的,二者并没有统一起来。Soil moisture simulation and dynamic evaluation of drought degree are separated, and they are not integrated as a whole in the previous study of agricultural drought.

利用无线网络化技术能组成实用的土壤墒情在线监测系统,且组网简单灵活。Application of wireless networking technology can make up a practical on-line monitoring system for soil moisture with characteristics of simple and flexible networking.

在我国东北的半干旱地区,由于春旱造成的土壤墒情不足,严重影响着大田作物的发芽和出苗。进而严重地影响着作物的生长发育和产量。Because of the drought in spring lead to the lack of soil water, which influent sprout and emerging of crops gravely, furthermore, which affect growing and yield of crops.