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我的灵魂是一潭死水。And my soul was a stagnant tide.

在今天,那过去的一潭死水已蜕变为尼亚加拉瀑布。Today the backwater has turned into Niagara Falls.

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一潭死水和死寂的宗教冰冻得最快。Still water and still religion freeze the quickest.

你认为美国富豪阶层正在成为一潭死水吗?Do you think America's plutocracy is becoming stale?

这是流动的活水与一潭死水的区别。It's the difference between running and stagnant water.

你认为美国富豪阶层正在成为一潭死水吗?为什么?Do you think America's plutocracy is becoming stale? Why?

生活有时候就是一潭死水,激情就是你手中的石子。Sometimes life is a backwater, passion is you stones in his hand.

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生活有时候就是一潭死水,激情就是你手中的石子。Sometimes life is a pool of stagnant water, passion is your stones.

即使是听到儿子成绩下降的时候,那张熟悉的脸庞就像一潭死水一样波澜不惊。Even hear a son, the grades of a familiar face like a pool as are calm.

我们的政治领导人将非洲看作是一潭死水,将非洲国家看作是不发达的。Our politicians see Africa as a backwater, its countries as underdeveloped.

你会看到因为缺乏能够对整个行业起到重大影响的创新而导致经济发展成为一潭死水。You might see the economy flat-line for lack of industry-changing innovation.

有关北爱尔兰是现代欧洲的一潭死水的说法已经是陈词滥调了。It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in modern Europe.

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诚然,爱情需要浪漫,婚姻也不能是一潭死水。Ofcourse, love needs romance and marriage is not a pond of stagnant water either.

相比之下,她们自己浮浅的生活和一潭死水般的日子倒变得难以忍受了。By comparison, their own shallow life, their stagnant days, were becoming unbearable.

不过如果监管太强硬,我们可能会丧失信贷方面的创新活力,金融业也会陷入一潭死水。But we also would have sacrificed innovations in credit and a vibrant financial sector.

我发觉我的课堂只是简单机械的照本宣科,宛如一潭死水,我的学生厌倦了。I find that my classroom just simple mechanical scripted, like a pool, my students get tired of.

如若美国经济如一潭死水,整个经济体中的公共债务也会上升。If the economy remains dead in the water, the ratio of public debt to the total economy balloons.

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我们可能倾向于认为中国互联网有许多如一潭死水般的抄袭者,但那是不确切的。We tend to have the view that China is some copycat Internet backwater, and that's just not true.

可是。谁又愿意在一潭死水中。永远波澜不惊。But. Who would like to again in first pond stagnant water. Forever the great waves is not surprised.

一潭死水的房地产市场所带来的社会成本是巨大的,因为它影响了这里的每个人。The costs of this misfiring property market are huge, mainly because of their effects on individuals.