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肺癌局部T细胞多处于非活化状态。Most of T cells were non-activated.

锎252中子活化分析…CFNAA Cf-252 neutron activation analysis?

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WCD降低与白细胞的活化有关。The lower WCD were related to WBC activation.

C-H键活化为整个反应的决速步骤。The C-H bond activation is the rate-limiting step.

对其活化机理进行了探讨。The activation mechanism Ts Tnvestigated meanwhile.

这就是反应发生之前的活化能。The activation energy, before you can have reaction.

材料表面的粗化和活化都有利于类骨磷灰石的成核和生长。It is helpful for the formation of bone-like apatite.

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然后,那些活化病毒从细胞中释放出来Then that--those active forms are released from the cell.

在T细胞受体活化反应过程中也需要蛋白质CD45的协助。The assistance of CD45 is also required for TCR activation.

这种效应与FAK蛋白活化有关。This effect was associated with activation of the protein FAK.

有些提供几何活化,有些提供声音活化。Some offer geometric activations, others offer sound activations.

在这里可能有活化或钝化的重要结果。There can be important consequences of activation or deactivation.

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提出了包括氧活化的可能机理。A possible mechanism involving activation of dioxygen was proposed.

给出了油脂氢化反应中活化态氢与甘三酯分子反应的动力学模型。A kinetic model of fat and oil hydrogenation is given in this paper.

事实上,挽救我们的耕地与活化启德河同等重要。Saving our farmlands is as important as restoring the Kai Tak River.

这种电荷转移导致被吸附CO分子的活化。This charge transfer causes the activation of absorbed CO molecules.

外加入人工电子受体可使光活化效率提高。Artificial electron acceptors increased the yield of photoactivation.

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可能需要尝试许多不同的激酶活化剂才能得到答案。Perhaps the answer is to try a number of different kinase activators.

混合使用TLR活化剂也能达到相似功效。Similar effects can be achieved through combinations of TLR activators.

蛇纹石经活化再生后可反复循环使用。The serpentine could be used repeatedly by activation and regeneration.