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他浑身都在打颤。The friend is shivering.

寒冷使他的牙齿打颤。Cold made his teeth chatter.

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我牙关在打颤,嘴唇发紫。My teeth were chattering, my lips blue.

他的牙齿为什么打颤?Why were his teeth chattering like that?

冷冽的寒风吹得路上的行人浑身打颤。The chilly wind makes passers-by shiver all over.

患有糖尿病和溃疡的塔米莎不禁冷得开始打颤。Tamitha, who had diabetes and ulcers, began to tremble.

在扶手椅上睡着了,醒来时浑身打颤。Fell asleep in the arm-chair, and woke with the shivers.

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她可看见打颤并且她的声音是软和不定的。She was visibly trembling and her voice was soft and uncertain.

他们是风的耳语和那打颤下来你的背骨。They were the whispers in the wind and the shiver down your spine.

她用那两条打颤的腿从床上站起来。She rose from the bed on shaky legs, and stumbled over to the door.

接下来我们去参观了万豪酒店,在游泳池里冻得打颤。Then we visit the Marriott Hotel, where we chill in the swimming pool.

北方山脉寒冷得令我的老胳膊老腿直打颤。The cold of the northern mountains chills me to my old and weary bones.

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有他在就不用担心她会被冷的牙齿打颤。Never mind if her teeth were chattering from life-threatening hypothermia.

许多狗儿,我们亲自去看的也好,网上浏览的照片也罢,就连我们的女儿看了都会打颤。Many of the dogs we saw, in person or online, made even our daughter shudder.

早上开始变得有些冷了,夜晚的时候就会冻的打颤在床上时脚是冰冷的。The mornings begin chilly. The evenings give you shivers and cold feet in bed.

她向那几乎灭了的灰烬那边移近些,缩成一团,牙齿直打颤。And her teeth chattered as she shrunk closer to the almost extinguished embers.

外面的风吹得我把全身缩了起来,牙齿却不停打颤。Outside the wind was so I put my whole body shrinks up, teeth, but keep tremble.

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而当宦官们见到我,则吓得膝头打颤,跌倒在地。When the eunuchs saw me, their knees shook and they fell upon the ground in fear.

我们这些饱经世事的买卖人当时没有一个说话声音不打颤的。Not one of us hardened business people could have spoken without a tremoring voice.

伴随着以上生理变化,人们还常反馈说会觉得打颤。Along with these physical changes, people often report feelings of shivers or chills.