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我似乎落枕了,脖子有些僵硬。I woke up with stiff neck.

按摩对落枕也同样有效。Massage is also effective for a stiff neck.

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落枕的定义、病因病机。Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Stiff Neck.

落枕常用刺灸法是什么?What's the frequently-used acupuncture method for stiff neck?

对易失眠、易落枕、颈椎病患者及孕妇适用!Of easy to insomnia, stiff neck, cervical spondylosis and pregnant women apply!

握落枕的定义、辨证分型和针灸治疗。Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and acupuncture treatment of Stiff Neck.

目的观察平衡针配合运动疗法治疗落枕临床疗效。Conclusion Balancing acupuncture is superior to conventional acupuncture in treating stiff neck.

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对易失眠、易落枕、颈椎病患者及孕妇尤为适用。It especially suits for those suffered from insomnia, neck stiff, neck-vertebra and pregnant women.

落枕、打呼噜、眼睛肿、流口水如果在身体状态良好的情况下也发生这些问题。Stiff neck, snoring, eyes swollen, drooling in the body in good condition if the case also occurred in these issues.

当你看到我得了落枕而痛苦的时候,别站在那儿假慈悲。去拿一些药膏给我涂呀。Don't just stand there and shed crocodile tears when you see that I'm suffering from a stiff neck. Go and get some cream for me to apply.

落枕又叫失枕,大多指因睡觉枕头不适造成的颈背部肌肉功能障碍,如不及时治疗,转为慢性疾病,不仅影响生活质量,也会发展为颈椎病。If it is not cured in time, it will become a chronic disease, not just influencing the life quality, but also becoming cervical spondylosis.

适用于各类颈椎病如脖子僵硬、落枕、颈椎骨质增生等症的温热理疗及日常防护。This model is best for all types of cervical diseases such as neck stiffness, stiff neck, cervical bone hyperplasia and to daily protection.