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他们用橡皮艇蓄积雨水。The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy.

镉是一种有毒的重金属元素,具有蓄积性毒性。Cadmium is a heavy metal element with accumulation toxicity.

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胍乙啶的作用是蓄积性的,且可维持较长时间。The effects of guanethidine are cumulative over extended periods.

这形成全世界最后无法控制的脊髓灰质炎的蓄积地。This represents the last uncontrolled reservoir of polio in the world.

喹乙醇具有一定的蓄积毒性、遗传毒性和诱变性等毒理作用。Olaquindox has the toxic function of cumulation, heredity and seduction.

不渗透层将水蓄积在一个叫做“饱和层”的地方。The non-porous layer holds the water in an area called the saturated zone.

正己烷具有高挥发性、高脂溶性,并有强蓄积作用。N-Hexane is highly volatile, highly lipid soluble and consumingly accumulative.

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收集到的雨水和凝结水蓄积在箱体的内腔。Rainwater and condensation collect in the box’s chamber, where water gets trapped.

中等密度的白桦林有着最高的年蓄积生长量。The highest annual volume growth is found in stands of middle density of stocking.

减少AGE蓄积,可改善糖尿病创面愈合延迟现象。Reduction of AGE accumulation could a-meliorate wound healing delay due to diabetes.

结果提示,鸡经喹乙醇蓄积中毒可导致严重的肝肾损害。The results showed that olaquindox can cause severe damages of chicken hepar and ren.

它们在小水坑、稻田和动物踩踏后留下的泥潭等淡水蓄积之处滋生。They breed in shallow collections of freshwater like puddles, ricefields, and hoofprints.

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而在其他癌症的患者身上,渗出的液体则可能会蓄积在体腔。In those with other types of cancer, the exuded fluid can also accumulate in body cavities.

希望,当丙酮酸蓄积时,线粒体就会被迫产生反应。Their hope was that, overwhelmed with pyruvate, the mitochondria would be forced to respond.

在决定剂量方案时,必须知道药物在体内蓄积的程度。In determining dosage regimens, it is also necessary to know the extent of drug accumulation.

甘露醇虽可被人的胃肠所吸收,但在体内并不蓄积。Although mannitol can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal, but does not accumulate in the body.

因此,女性的生育能力使得脂肪往往不会蓄积在腹部。Consequently, women capable of bearing children tend not to accumulate excess fat on the belly.

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氯硝西泮重复给药可有效地控制惊厥复发,但也可引起药物在体内的蓄积。Repeated administration of CZP would avoid this, but might lead to drug accumulation in the body.

本品半衰期较长,主要以原形从尿中排出,体内无蓄积。Longer half-life of the product, mainly in the prototype from the urine, the body without accumulation.

利用SD大鼠评价鹿鞭酒的急性毒性、蓄积性毒性及微核率来证明饮用的安全性。The evaluations of acute toxicity, accumulative toxicity and micronucleus rates were made with SD rats.