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阿桑奇却荣辱兼具,需要反思这个问题。Assange needs to reflect on this.

一个见惯荣辱兴衰的人不容易沮丧。A man used to vicissitudes is not easily dejected.

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经历过成功失败与荣辱。And experienced the success, loss, honour or disgrace.

疯狂的最高境界就是荣辱不惊!Crary tallest state is a honor versus dishonor not surprised!

生死荣辱,健康疾病,至死不渝。For better or worse, sickness and health, till the day of death.

每一幢老建筑都披着岁月的沧桑、兴衰、荣辱和喜乐。Every old building is dressed in a tremendous years, prosperity, honor and joy.

我们必须携手与共、共同经历这个国家的荣辱兴衰。In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the.

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要拥有平衡,就得对生活中的荣辱起伏保持平常心。To have balance in our lives, gives us a realistic view of the ups and downs of life.

作为该组织的公开发言人,荣辱功过,都由我一个人来扛。As a public spokesman for the organization I take all the heat and get all the credit.

荀子指出了荣辱思想养成的重要途径。Xunzi had pointed out the important way to cultivate the thoughts of honor or disgrace.

只有真正从内心深处懂得了明荣辱,知廉耻和成事为人的道理,才能发展真正的道德良知。It is to know honor and disgrace and bear oneself that can promote the moral conscience.

荣辱观是价值观的重要组成部分,它决定着人们的价值取向和荣辱体验。Honour of values is an important part of its decision to people's values and honour experience.

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最后的辉煌,百年高炉荣辱苍桑,旧体制已尽终结。The final magnificence, hundred years honor or disgrace of blast furnace, the old system ended.

随著798的兴衰荣辱,这些人物的命运发生了怎样的变化?With the rise and fall, glorious and shame of 798, what changes have taken place of those people?

内兄潘岳使弹,终日达夜无忤色,识者知其不可荣辱也。Brother-in-law Pan Yue to play up, day night uncongenial color, knowledge and also know not to do.

在俄罗斯的历史上,商船队可谓是历尽荣辱。Over the history of its existence the Russian merchant fleet has seen the moments of boom and decline.

其二,文人画家不管荣辱得失,始终痴迷于绘事。Second, the literati painters regardless of the pros and cons of honor, always obsessed with painting.

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客观条件的荣辱与褒贬等都不能影响他。The objective conditions, such as the honor, shame, praise and disparagement, have no influence on him.

他们与尖果杂志同荣辱、共命运,阅历斗争之路和情感生长。They pointed with honor and fruit magazine, virtue, experience and emotional growth road of the struggle.

学风建设是高等学校社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,是关系高等学校荣辱兴衰的永恒主题。It is the most important part of the socialism spiritual civilization, and the perpetual tide in college life.