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你可以依靠/信得过我。You can rely on me.

他这个人信得过。He is a person one can trust.

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她是一个可以信得过的人。She is a person worthy of belief.

我信得过马克斯,就把钱借给他了。I trusted Max, so I lent him the money.

你可以信得过我,我的嘴很严。You can count on me, my lips are sealed.

谢谢你的帮助,你真是信得过的人。Thanks for helping, you are a real trouper.

“那么你信得过你的老婆吗?”另一个问。"And can you trust your missis?" asked the other.

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找到几个信得过的好朋友一起步行上学。Find a couple of reliable pals to walk with each day.

如果你遇到问题,不妨问问你信得过的人。If you have questions, take them to someone you trust.

他也许是个乡巴老,但是至少是可以信得过的。He may be a hick but she can trust him a whole lot more.

他也许是个乡巴佬,但是至少是可以信得过的。He may be a hick , but she can trust him a whole lot more.

他也许是个乡巴佬,但至少是可以信得过的。He may be a hick , but she can trust him a whole lot more.

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这个厂生产的去湿机质量信得过。The desiccating machines manufactured by this factory are reliable.

和一位顾问或者至少是你信得过的一个朋友聊聊你的感受。Talk to a counsellor, or at least a trusted friend, about how you feel.

你可以信得过这家医院的护士长,她能保证她手下的护士们工作尽职尽责。You can trust the Matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark.

搜索引擎变成了可以帮追我们的忏悔室,知己,信得过的朋友。Search engines are our confessionals, our confidants, our trusted friends that help us.

学习一些基本的知识,你会感觉更踏实,并且雇佣一个你信得过的银行投资顾问或者会计。You’llfeel more grounded. And make sure to hire a banker or accountant you feel goodabout.

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塞萨尔不怎么信得过我父亲,也不太理解我和妈妈对父亲突然抱有的这种好意。Cesar didn't trust my father and all this newfound goodwill my mother and I had toward him.

这就是这个游戏的奖金,把它交给一个大家信得过的人And this is going to be the prize for this game and we better give this to someone we trust.

沃尔什把那张钥匙卡的情况告知了杰克,指示他将卡交给杰米处理,因为他觉得她是信得过的。Walsh shows Jack the key card, instructing him to give it to Jamey because she can be trusted.