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离耶稣受难地几千英里。thousands from Calvary.

就让我回到丑恶的名声中去受苦受难吧!Suffer me to go back to my infamy!

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Sananda引导基督走向受难。Sananda lead Christ to his crucifixion.

救世主也总是一再受难。The savior is also recurrently crucified.

你一定要服从我,否则你和你全家都要受难。Obey me, or you and your family will suffer!

自己的生日就是母亲的受难日。Their birthday is on the mother's suffering.

怀疑主义是受难灵魂的自虐。Skepticism is the sadism of embittered souls.

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我们听到可怜的痛苦受难的呻吟。We heard piteous sounds of suffering and pain.

你怎么能拒绝同情受苦受难的人呢?How can you turn aside from suffering humanity?

所有艺术家都有为自己作品受难的准备。All artists are prepared to suffer for their work.

很多零售商人会在耶稣受难日提供网上交易。Many retailers offer online deals for Black Friday.

我从不曾是一个真正的受难者,除非是在我自己的过错中受难。and I am never a real sufferer but by my own fault.

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玛窦福音所记载的受难史开始于买卖。The passion according to Matthew begins with a sale.

很多年以前,一群不畏受难的基督徒修建了这座教堂。Many year ago a group of confessor build this church.

耶稣受难的十字架的一块小碎片被奉祀于大教堂里。A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.

很多年以前,一群不畏受难的基督徒修建了这座教堂。Many years ago a group of confessors built this church.

而女人就无怨无悔地跟着男人受苦受难。The woman followed the men to suffer without complaint.

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因此神之子的受难就是马可的基督论的一部分。So the suffering Son of God is part of Mark's Christology.

然后他们回到受难修女街家中。Then they returned home to the Rue des Filles -du-Calvaire.

许多人称它为“关注人类受难的无畏作品。”Variety called it “an unblinking record of human suffering.