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出殡的行列行向坟墓。Funeral marches to the grave.

精心装饰的出殡汽车沿街排列著。Elaborate funeral cars stood along the curb.

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我得说我从来没有见过出殡时有这么多草帽。I must say I never saw so many straw hats at a funeral before.

乐曲的一开始,我总听着觉得像列队出殡的乐句It begins with what I always hear as a kind of funeral cortege idea.

诺儿?出殡?什么跟什么呀?我还想再问下,电话戛然挂断。Lora? Funeral? What the? I'm still wanted to ask more but the phone hung up.

据悉,老人出殡当天,近千村民几乎全部出动,对老人表达心意。Close to one thousand villagers attended his funeral to show their gratitude to him.

远远地看到哭丧棒,就知道是出殡的队伍过来了!Seeing a staff wrapped with white paper at distance, you know that a funeral procession is coming.

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于是带着大兵围了梅家出殡的队伍,逼着王小红交出梅贤祖。He took with private surround the plum home team at a funeral, forced WangXiaoGong MeiXianZu surrender.

我们为什么听到有人诞生就欢喜,看到有人出殡就悲伤呢?因为诞生和死亡的是别人。Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral?It is because we 're not the person involved.

我们为什么听到有人诞生就欢喜,看到有人出殡就悲伤呢?因为诞生的和死亡的都是别人。Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.

当启明燃灭了光辉,我们在隐暗的生命之河上为自己的青春出殡。We are holding a funeral procession of our youth along on the shady river while the phosphor burned out the blaze.

出殡那天人山人海,成殓他们的三口棺木上覆盖着新兴国家俄罗斯的三色国旗,新国歌在耳边奏响。Huge crowds glimpsed the three coffins, draped in the emerging nation's tricolor flag and honored by its new anthem.

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有一次,利瓦伊·科芬运送的逃亡黑奴实在太多,他就把他们装扮成出殡队伍。On one occasion, Levi Coffin was transporting so many runaway slaves that he disguised them as a funeral procession.

你甭管我是谁,来日诺儿出殡,你要也算个人,就来看她最后一眼。You don't have to care bout that, tomorrow is Lora funeral, call yourself a man and come see her for the last sight.

他非常害怕——他有理由害怕——于是设法装作已经死了,搞了个假出殡。He feared us so much- and with reason- that he causedhimself to be represented as dead, and had a grand mock-funeral.

这些野兽之后又由一组12人的数字石,代表出殡已故皇帝。These beasts are followed in turn by a group of 12 stone human figures, which represent the funeral cortege of the deceased emperors.

葬礼会持续7天,韩国各地将设置祭奠所,出殡日将降半旗致哀。During the 7-day mourning period, memorial ceremonies will be held across the country with flags flying at half-mast on the funeral day.

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可要是我的病人开始数她出殡队伍中的车辆时,那我医药的疗效就要减少百分之五十。But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 percent from the curative power of medicines.

汉业出殡时汉邦发现三水行迹,更不由得当街殴打他替兄报仇。When han industry funeral chamberlain overseas found more couldn't help when the street signs, sanshui vengeance for brother his assailant.

特定的送葬人员护送家族出殡到埋葬地点,在这里死者被置于蜡烛和香气之中。Designated mourners escorted the family funeral procession to the burial site, where the deceased was laid out amid candles and wafting incense.