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我们没有理由怨天尤人。We have no cause for complaint.

别怨天尤人了!你数说数说你的幸福吧!Don't complain!Recount your blessings!

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不要怨天尤人,无论现在看来是怎么地黯淡凄凉。Complain not, no matter how bleak it seems.

所以,是对我们的生活怨天尤人的好。And we've all chosen to do this with our lives.

他们没有浪费精力去怨天尤人或者顾影自怜。They did not waste energy on anger or self-pity.

在苦难中怨天尤人永远不会给别人带来任何益处。The whining, murmuring pang never does anybody any good.

拿小题大做和飞短流长填补生活中怨天尤人之外的空虚。When not complaining, her drama and gossip will fill the void.

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我学会了碰到障碍时能沉得住气、从不怨天尤人。I learned not to get angry at obstacles, not to resent obstacles.

胜利者既不扮“可怜人”,也不上演怨天尤人。Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game.

为什么人们会因为不开心而怨天尤人?Why do people blame everything but themselves for their unhappiness?

生命很短暂,所以不要浪费时间怨天尤人。Life is too short to waste it in hating someone or resenting something.

更要不得的是,我开始怨天尤人,总觉得上天对我很不公平。I began grumble to God for being so unfair and making life so difficult.

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如果你打算怨天尤人、或是要抱怨不公正什麽的。If you want to blame on others, or to complain about unfair or something.

该死的肯亚穷人,你们别那麽怨天尤人就好了。Damn those poor Kenyans. If only they weren't such pessimistic sourpusses.

在工作中得失心慢慢的看淡了,也不再怨天尤人了。Gains and losses at work slowly dim view of the heart, no longer complain of.

你既可以把痛苦转换为怨天尤人的诅咒,也可以赋之以诗意,这全在于你自己的选择。You can turn your pain into provanity or into poetry. The choice is up to you.

马可心劳形瘁,可是他倒始终都不怨天尤人,也丝毫不肯屈服。Mark, fatigued in mind and body, never complained or yielded in the least degree.

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不要再等下去,更不要以绝望无助的姿态坐视不理,怨天尤人并不能解决问题。There is no need to recline and rest in mock desperation. Complaining does nothing.

他们怨天尤人,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。They complained all the time about their bad luck and not being favored by chances.

很多老年人脾气暴躁,因为他们一辈子都在怨天尤人。A lot of older people are crotchety because they've been complaining all their lives.