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变态河工模型垂线流速分布是不相似的。Vertical velocity distribution of distorted model is not similar.

一个正方形由四个九十度的直角和四条垂线组成。A square has four 90-degree angles made by its four perpendicular.

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假想这条曲线具有这样的的性质,每一条垂线与其至多相交一点。We assume this curve has the property that every vertical line intersects it once at most.

腰线与下摆之间的侧缝线必须与地面成一垂线。Make the side seam from the waistline to the lower edge of the torso a plumb-line to the floor.

1990年比萨官方关闭了斜塔,当时塔身偏离垂线13英尺。Officials closed the tower in 1990, when it leaned by a dangerous 13 feet off the perpendicular.

尤其是,地球的自转轴和地日垂线之间的角度在一年中是不断发生变化的。In particular, the angle between the Earth's axis and the Earth-sun line changes throughout the year.

在整个边线上再用铅笔工具画1px的垂线。Add a little extra touch to the stroke by drawing a 1px line with the Pencil Tool vertically up the entire edge.

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本文主要介绍了飞来峡大坝安全监测系统垂线断裂的事故经过及断裂原因。Plumb-line breaking accident of dam safety monitoring system of Feilaixia Hydro Project is analyzed in this paper.

将你的腿前向伸展,膝盖绷紧,作一条从脚后跟到地面的垂线。With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary line from the heel to the ground.

当人的视线与向地心垂线的夹角为115度角左右时,人的颈部肌肉最放松。When people's attention to the geocentric and the vertical angle of 115 degrees around, most people on the neck muscles relax.

通过骨架对裂缝二次采样,沿骨架点切线方向的垂线方向求出相应的宽度。The crack is re-sampled by the skeleton and calculate via vertical direction of the tangent direction of the point on skeleton.

模拟的机构模型有四杆机构、曲柄滑块机构、速返机构、垂线机构等。Analog mechanism model include four bar linkage, crank and sliders mechanism, speed returning mechanism, perpendicular mechanism.

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例如,古希腊庙宇就将高大的立柱与宽阔的横檐一并使用,以构造刚性的垂线。For example, ancient Greek temples juxtapose tall vertical columns and wide horizontal entablatures to create rigid perpendiculars.

由纵向垂线平均流速分布公式,进一步导出了水流出弯后流速调整段长度的计算公式。In accordance with the formula of depth-averaged longitudinal velocity, the formula of velocity adjustment length in exit is set up.

这幅画的结构设计有一个缺点。你为什么不擦掉那几条垂线,把它简化一点呢?There is a flaw in the design of the structure of the painting. Why don't you erase the vertical lines and simplify it a little bit?

简要介绍了新型光电式垂线坐标仪与引张线仪的原理、结构和技术特点。The principles, structures and technical characteristics of the CCD coordinometer and wire alignment transducer are briefly introduced.

分析发现该站位悬沙垂线分布主要体现为两种分布形式,并给出了相应拟合表达式。The two main vertical distributing form of suspended sediments are discovered and the corresponding fitting relationships are made certain.

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如果你的脚底朝下,那么你需要测量你的脚后跟到你大脚趾所在垂线的最短距离。If your foot points down,you need to measure the distance between the top of your big toe and an imaginary line from the bottom of your heel.

倒垂线作为大型建筑物变形监测的基准设施,广泛应用于大型水利枢纽工程中。The inverted perpendicular, being a deformation monitoring datum with large-scale building, is widely applied to the water resource projects.

介绍CG-2A型垂线观测仪固定式的使用情况,并与便携带式进行了比较。The plumb-line observer of CG-2A type operating in fixed mode is introduced and a comparison of which with that in the portable mode is given.