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还是法国军旅的军人?Someone from the French military?

军旅家庭,总是搬来搬去的。Military family, so they moved around a lot.

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我即将结束五十年的军旅生涯。I am closing my fifty years of military service.

耶利米。埃利斯并不一直是军旅生涯的,他有其他的打算。Jeremiah Ellis is not an Army lifer. He has other plans.

三年的军旅生活使他变得十分强壮,从他身上散发着青春的活力。He hardened with youthful vigour after three years' army life.

军旅生涯的渐淡、人生的初起步。The troops career is gradually thin, the early start of the life.

考虑到我的军旅生涯,我问了这位招募官这样一个问题。I asked the Google recruiter, thinking of my military commitments.

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一段激情昂扬的热血青春,一部与众不同的军旅励志剧。A passionate affair high blood youth, a special army inspiring drama.

上主的军旅,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远。All the powers of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him for ever.

在德克萨斯A&M大学毕业后,施里弗在空军开始了军旅生涯。After studying at Texas A &M, Schriever began his career in the Army Air Corps.

则是他对我一名军旅歌唱演员的最大安慰和鼓励。He told me it is one of the greatest singers Military comfort and encouragement.

我的军旅生涯始于一个士兵,但是很快就被提升。I started my military career as a private but soon began to move up in the ranks.

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这首由军旅灵感而创作的歌曲首次出现在危险巡演上面。The military-inspired number first appeared on the Dangerous tour, Payne tells us.

塔古巴从菲律宾移民来美,度过了辉煌的军旅生涯。Taguba immigrated from the Philippines and has had a distinguished military career.

我于1月16日离开那里,这是我军旅生涯中最快的转移。I had my discharge on Jan. 16. That was the fastest the Army moved during my service.

郑秋枫先生是我国著名的军旅作曲家,他涉及的创作领域很广泛。Zheng Qiufeng is the famous composer whose art songs are well known by Chinese people.

戴维德·彼得雷乌斯将军挥别他长达37年的军旅生涯。General David Petraeus bid farewell to the U. S. military where he served for 37 years.

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影响空军不同阶级官士兵投效军旅因素。The influences on soldiers serving in military by different military rank in Air Force.

它是高天军旅的灯塔,在天空照耀。Being an instrument of the armies on high, shining gloriously in the Armament of heaven.

扫罗看见非利士的军旅就惧怕,心中发颤。When Saul saw the army of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart trembled greatly.