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轴距结构。Wheelbase structure.

结构是什么样的?What is the structure?

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玩味句子结构。Playing with structures.

光斑的精细结构。Fine structure of faculae.

桦木胶合板结构。Birch plywood construction.

二是队伍结构形成梯队。The team structure is rundle.

这口井的钻具结构是什么?Whet is the BHA of this well.

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定义系统结构。Defining the system structure.

汉字部件结构。Ideograph Component Structure.

您可以嵌入这些语法结构。You can nest these constructs.

空气锤结构设计。Air hammer's structural design.

我们还学习了循环结构。And we have looping constructs.

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数据结构的排外性。Exclusivity of data structures.

环形山是碗状凹坑结构。Pit craters are bowl structure.

并不存在类型的层次结构。There is no hierarchy of types.

所有的锁都是块结构的。All locking is block-structured.

化合物3是一维螺旋结构。Compound 3 is a 1D spiral chain.

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移除钟面和机械结构。Remove clock face and mechanism.

静音摇臂支撑结构,噪声更低。The mute rocker arm, less noise.

这是主谓宾结构There's a subject, verb, object.