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我需要找出一个总体趋势。I need to look for trends.

你的纸棒只是参与总体决定中的一票。Your wand is just one vote.

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但总体的消息还是令人鼓舞。But the news overall is cheerier.

总体上看,PNM处理的产量最高。The yield of PNM was the highest.

总体感觉都变好了,就这样。and just feel better all around, so.

总体可视度大大提高。Global visibility is greatly improved.

总体上来讲,学费是多少?How much does tuition cost in general?

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总体来说,我会再次买这款晚霜的。Overall, I would buy this cream again.

你对剑桥学联的总体印象如何?What's your general impression of CSSA.

也会伤害头发,但总体来说更健康。and damaging, but it's a lot healthier.

不过,总体而言,他们过于温文而雅。But they are, on the whole, too elegant.

该条约的总体目标是什么?What is the overall goal of the treaty ?

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这是两种对总体的定义Those are the two population definitions.

他现在只是有点问题,但总体来说还是挺好的。He's just having some problems. He's fine.

抑或现时总体债务是更高呢?Or that, overall, debt is now even higher?

总体来说,玫瑰丛需要精心照料。By and large, rosebushes need lots of care.

总体而言,是最乐锁打开。Overall, padlocks are the most fun to open.

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那么,在总体设计方面需要考虑哪些问题?What are the overall design considerations?

淋巴细胞亚群CD_4计数总体水平较低。CD4 count of T-lymphocyte subgroup is lower.

中国的西部地区总体上是贫穷落后的。China's west is generally poor and backward.