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整个试飞过程持续了约25分钟。The entire test flight lasted about 25 minutes.

正是新型战机的试飞让中国走进了精英俱乐部。The test flight puts China in a very elite club.

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新战斗机将于下月试飞。The fighter plane will be flight- tested nest month.

我们相信你们在试飞飞机时是小心谨慎的。We rely upon you to be careful in test-flying a plane.

试飞结束之后08号机和09号机将被留在爱德华兹空军基地。Ships 08 and 09 stay at Edwards at the end of the testing.

对比我试飞的F16战斗机来说,反应速度比歼10要慢一些。Compare to F-16 I flied, the reaction speed is a bit faster.

结果确已表明试飞是令人满意的。The results did show that the trial-flight was satisfactory.

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无翼飞机首次试飞预计将于4个月内实施。WEAV is expected to have its first trial flight in 4 months.

也有一些计划试飞规模示范明年。There also are plans to flight-test the scale model next year.

罗伯龄对海上试飞将会成功表示乐观。Robling expressed confidence that the sea trials would go well.

但与哥伦比亚号航天飞机的首次试飞不同,“战神I-X”是无人驾驶的。But unlike that first shuttle flight, Ares I-X will be unmanned.

而中国却选在这一天试飞新型的隐形战斗机。China chose the very same day to test-fly its new stealth fighter.

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你对F-35在后来试飞中的印象又是如何?How has your impression of the F-35 changed in subsequent flights?

美国宇航局希望,因为他们的军事试飞员试飞的新型飞机。NASA wanted military test pilots because they test fly new planes.

我们还在第6次试飞时进行了更大迎角的机动。We performed higher angle of attack maneuvers on Flight 6 as well.

目前,中国成飞正在试飞歼20的第四号原型机。China's Chengdu J-20 is currently in its fourth round of prototypes.

最后的试飞是在“u200b”u200b一月,一九六一年结束。The final test flight was at the end of January, nineteen sixty-one.

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2014年他们将企图中途不停地试飞世界各地。An attempt to fly non-stop around the world will be attempted in 2014.

一号机在在飞行试验计划中作为试飞的后备。Ship 1 is available for use as a backup during the flight test program.

下图中的F-15A的机头处安装了试飞用的传感器。The photo down here shows the special sensor mount on F-15A for test fly.