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他是个讨厌的乡巴佬。He is an obnoxious hick.

他是个蠢才乡巴佬!He was the village idiot!

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我烦死这乡巴佬了。I'm sick of this redneck.

别管那乡巴佬了。Forget that hick, Bagwell.

很好,因为这是乡巴佬拖车的电影!Fitting, since this is Mater's movie.

落后地区乡巴佬的时代已成过去。The era of the backwoods rube is gone.

你说甚么来着,乡巴佬,'不多'?" Ì"What do you say, fellow? Not much?

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你算是哪门子的乡巴佬嘛?what kind of hillbilly are you,really?

你还真是个乡巴佬。What kind of hillbilly are you, really?

我不喜欢汤姆的表兄,他是个乡巴佬。I don't like Tom's cousin. He's a hayseed.

“乡巴佬,”伊萨贝尔冲那司机小声嘀咕道。“Redneck, ” Isabel muttered at the driver.

大部分农民都有一副固定的乡巴佬形象。Most farmer have a stereo type hayseed image.

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觉得自己像个乡巴佬进城,却没人歧视我。I felt like a rube but nobody discriminated me.

我觉得自己像个乡巴佬进城,但没人歧视我。I felt like a rube but nobody discriminated me.

我不知道是谁比较蠢,你还是乡巴佬?I don't know who's more stupid, you or the hick.

我大一时期的同窗是一个十足的乡巴佬。My roommate in my freshman year was a real hick.

一个乡巴佬帮我换了车胎。One of the local yokels helped me change the tire.

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整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.

一个整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.

啊,克里夫,我是一个“无知的乡巴佬”吗?So, Clive , I'm an "Ignorant cowboy- booted Hick "am I ?