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他心底善良.He's kind-hearted.

但我把你一直地放在心底。Gona keep you in my heart.

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病根太深,伤在心底。But it rooted in my heart deeply.

想一想这句话,让它慢慢沉入心底。Think about it and let it sink in.

仅将那笑声常捐心底。So it's the laughter we will remember.

我从心底里给出自己的建议。I give advice that comes from the heart.

什么是心底刚硬的解毒药方?What is the antidote to a hardened heart?

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心底,都是萦回着一份珍惜与渴望的。My heart is haunted, a treasure and desire.

生命过于短暂,不要让这些温暖的话埋在心底。Life is too short to leave kind words unsaid.

她从心底发出一声无可奈何的喟叹。She heaved a helpless sigh of disappointment.

如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。Past all forget, smoke and wide. Selflessness.

而留在心底的是还在流血的伤口。But that which leave in the heart is blooding cut.

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如果芒果树会说话,它心底的感受。If the mango tree could speak, it would be honest.

我走在大街上,自个儿在心底嘲笑这些人类。I walked the streets, sneering at humans to myself.

旁人能用英语对答如流,打从心底非常羡慕。Others can use fluent, playing from the heart envy.

晨光风干了我的泪滴,我却把你藏在了心底。The dry my tears, I have made you hide in my heart.

皒只想做伱心底深藏旳那朵籹秂。I the woman who think doing your heart bottom embeds.

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总有那麽壹个人,住在妳心底的角落。There is always a person in your heart in the corner.

我知道她把伤心、难过与痛苦都埋在了心底。I knew she had buried all the bitterness in her heart.

黑白色的心底最柔软的地方也被你击碎了。Black and white heart of the softest place you smashed.