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它以朗朗上口的韵脚来帮助他们记起月份。It helps them memorize the months with a catchy rhyme.

通通都可以,大部分的韵脚都是重新写过,不过背诵歌词对他们来说是一件无聊透顶的事。Most rhymes are prewritten, but it is a sin to recite the rhymes off the paper.

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初中二年级学生的英语韵脚意识的发展好于音位意识。The grade two student's rhythm awareness is better than their phonemic awareness.

平声韵脚充分体现出了言语与语言之间的和谐互动。The level tone feet of the metrical verse embodies the harmony of parole of language.

通过系联诗歌韵脚字,考求诗文韵部系统是音韵学研究当中的一种重要方法。Unite the poem rhyming word is an important method in the study of Chinese phonology.

他的书一出版,就因为每行末缺乏韵脚而闻名。Once published , his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.

押韵的,完全韵脚的格律完整的形式,尤指最后的韵脚其音节数完整。用在诗歌中。Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot. Used of verse.

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民谣的韵脚往往采用抑扬格的形式,每一行中非重度音节的数目不等,二、四行押韵。Ballad meter is usually iambic. The number of unstressed syllables in each line may vary. The second and fourth lines rhyme.

这一张列侬留下了最后几行没写,只写了曲末的结尾词,那是他所要的韵脚。Here, Lennon left the final lines of a few verses blank except for the closing words, which show the rhyme he was going for.

请根据每一首诗的结构、上下文及韵脚,选一个最适当的答案填入诗中空格中。Please choose "the most appropriate answer" to complete the poem based on the "structure, context, and rhymes" of each poem.

朗读这首诗,第一个感受可能是感到它的韵律特别,继之会在韵脚变化时警觉地注意到那里的意味。Reading aloud, one can first feel the rhythm distinctively, then this reader will be alerted to the message while the rhythm changes.

在当前的政治局势下,借用马克·吐温的说法,阅读此书时读者不免会听到'历史轮回的韵脚'。It is hard, in the current political season, to read this book without hearing the sound of history rhyming , to paraphrase Mark Twain.

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普通的词也能同样地合乎韵脚,但这词是我在整首诗中寄予希望最多的一个。The ordinary name would have fitted the metre quite as well. But this was the one word in the whole poem on which I had pinned my hopes.

一些词语和结构可以顺畅地与韵脚和体裁融为一体,为我一而再、再而三地使用,但现在,我却要将它们拒之门外。It meant rejecting the words or the constructions that had been used over and over be- cause they flow most easily into rhyme and measure.

二百五十三个韵脚字分布于古韵十八部中,这为一系列的重要研究提供了基础。The 253 rhyming words are distributed to eighteen ancient rhyme sections, offering a basis on which to issue a series of important researches.

古汉语的平仄、韵脚在译文中荡然无存,东方韵律之美的丢失,无疑成为一种难以挽回的缺憾。The oblique tones and rhyme of Ancient Chinese are lost in translation, and the loss about beauty of rhythmic undoubtedly become an irreparable regret.

花瑶呜哇山歌至今还流传着几千首,共有24个韵脚,内容丰富,涉及到的题材十分广泛,歌词带有即兴性。Thousands of Wuwa folk songs are still popular today. The folk song, whose words are improvised, usually has 24 rhymes and is rich in content and subjects.

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文章运用韵脚字归纳法研究了明中叶苏州传奇作家张凤翼五部传世戏曲作品的用韵。This paper studies the rhymes of the 5 dramas by Zhang Fengyi, a dramatist in Suzhou in the mid-Ming dynasty, by examing the rhymes demonstrated in his dramas.

第二句的韵脚字虽然尚不清楚,但既然与第四句的“生”为韵,也必定会是耕部字。The second sentence to rhyme the word was not yet clear, but as with the fourth sentence of "health" as the rhyme, it will certainly be the Ministry of the word farming.

后来,夜曲之间的对比变得微妙起来,韵脚背景的转换常常越是令人不安,过程中产生的噪音就越是不明显。In the later Nocturnes the contrasts themselves become subtler, the shifting of the ground under our feet often the more disquieting the less noise it makes in the process.