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及早干预是关键。Early intervention is key.

别干预我的事。Don't meddle in my affairs.

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他们正在干预患者什么呢?On what are they intervening?

别干预我的事。Don't tamper with my business.

这是严谨的干预。This was serious intervention.

我不敢干预你的计划。I dare not meddle with your plans.


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但是它是如何干预和强制的呢?But how does it interpose and compel?

他的干预引起了混乱。His interference spilt over into confusion.

我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。We oppose interference by any outside force.

不单单是干预的往届领导人的数量增加。Not only is the number of ex-leaders growing.

所以政府进行了大规模的干预。So the government intervene on a massive scale.

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但这些干预政策实现了什么?But what has all this intervention accomplished?

我认为对他们现在干的事我应当进行干预。I think I ought to cut in on what they are doing.

贫穷阻碍获取现有干预措施。Poverty impedes access to existing interventions.

观察牛磺酸对该模型的干预作用。The effect of taurine in this model was observed.

我们的干预越少,整个活动就会进行得越好。The less we do, the better for the event overall.

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你可能可以采用靶向治疗进行干预。Maybe you could intervene with a targeted therapy.

这就是干预性研究的一个例子That would be an example of an intervention study.

这种灾后干预是众所周知的。This intervention post-disaster is now well known.