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那么世界也是一所牢狱。ROSENCRANTZ Then is the world one.

她可能还会面临审判和牢狱之刑。She could still face a trial and prison time.

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他把父亲捕抓将其置于牢狱的阶下He arrested his father and put him in prison cell.

芝加哥前警察因拷打犯人将面临高于30年的牢狱生涯。Ex-Chicago cop faces 30-plus years in torture case.

烈焰牢狱是元素使副手匕首技能。Flame Prison is an elementalist off-hand dagger skill.

独来独往于这世上,便是你自己的牢狱!You're a prisioner walking through this world all alone.

当然,布什大可放心,他在瑞士是不会有牢狱之虞的。Bush is in no danger of going to a Swiss jail, obviously.

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你把自己锁在自己造就的牢狱中。You lock yourself in the prison that you make for yourself.

由于他的头脑和举动,曾蹲过短工夫的牢狱。For his ideas and actions, he went to jail for a short time.

在利比亚,同性恋是非法的,要处以牢狱之刑。Homosexuality is illegal, punishable by jail time, in Libya.

但是这个创造性最终导致了他的牢狱之灾和死亡。But that creativity ultimately led to his captivity and death.

那个毒品走私犯将在牢狱之内了却残生。That drug smuggler will live the rest of his life behind bars.

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她的自我形象之于她,远远比坐几年的牢狱更有价值。Her sense of self was worth more than the years in prison to her.

他们使我的命在牢狱中断绝,并将一块石头抛在我身上。They have cut off my life in the dungeon, and cast a stone upon me.

雷加把她从牢狱里买了出来,然后给她进行搏斗比赛士训练。Reghar bought her from the jail and took her for gladiator training.

赛格恩特已受到警告,如果继续恶作剧,将可能面临5年的牢狱之灾。The man could face up to 5 years in jail if he stages any more stunts.

他反对种族主义,为了他的人民他曾饱尝牢狱之苦。He had strong beliefs against racism and went to prison for his people.

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在被判持械抢劫罪后,他度过了十年牢狱生活。He spent ten years behind bars after being convicted for armed robbery.

若最终定罪,两人将面临45,000欧元的罚款以及3年的牢狱之灾。If convicted, they will face a 3-year jail term and a fine of EUR45,000.

但是,没有理由再让此人继续关押,承受超过他应得刑期的牢狱之苦了。But this is no reason to keep a man locked up for longer than he deserves.