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赐予生命的水?Life-giving Water ?

您不屑赐予回答吗?Will you deign no answer?

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公司赐予他年金。The firm granted him a pension.

诺亚真是上帝赐予的呢!Noah is truly, truly a God-send.

上帝赐予她健康之福。God blessed her with good health.

在你流血流汗时,我赐予平安My peace I give in agony and sweat

国王赐予他这个称号。The king graced him with the title.

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赐予我神笔描绘多彩的天空。God give me a brush to paint the sky.

在你全功尽弃时,我赐予平安My peace I give in time of utter loss

你也赐予他或她爱。You also bestow love upon her or him.

他赐予我充满远见的思想。He bestows a far-seeing clarity of mind.

我被赐予了坟冢上的一朵玫瑰之吻。I've been kissed by a rose on the grave.

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愿你被赐予飞翔的翅翼。May you be bestowed pennons to fly with.

神的最大赐予,都要经过了苦痛方能得到。God's greatest gifts come through travail.

愿君降临,赐予我们救赎……Hope you can befall, bring us the salvation.

我祈求上帝赐我一棵树木,上帝将整个森林赐予了我。I asked God for a tree, he gave me a forest.

主不会把力量赐予浅薄无知的人!Jah will never give the power to a baldhead!

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诗神并不一视同仁地赐予所有诗人以灵感。The Muse does not inspire all poets equally.

那只白灵熊的出现,就像上天赐予的礼物。When the bear showed up, it was like a gift.

愿上帝赐予你一个幸福的终身伴侣,阿门。May god grant you a happy life partner, amen.