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褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos.

红尘深处,雾蔼苍苍。Red Dust deep gray fog Oi.

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红尘若梦!只盼能与你真正相见!I hope to see you in my dream.

爱茶的人,与红尘无关。Love tea, and the independent.

拒绝吧,不要再让我回到红尘。Reject me not into the world again.

让我们红尘做伴活的潇潇洒洒。Let us the company live Xiaoxiao Sasa.

潋滟红尘,也许你笔下的那个女子是你自己。Into red, you may write the girl is you.

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随风飘摇红尘一笑,只为醉逍遥。Fluttering red smile, only for the drunk.

这千年的寂寞,奈了红尘几何?The thousand years of loneliness, Nai red?

红尘一梦醉千年,寂寞一世歌相伴。A red dream millennium, a lonely world song.

苍茫红尘,今昔你在哪里?The vast world of mortals, and where are you?

倚窗伴月,淡望红尘,耻笑今生。The window with red, pale look, laugh at life.

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褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos, the world fading away.

坠落的天使,在红尘里快乐凭栏。Fallen angels, in the world of mortals fence sad.

前朝记忆度红尘,伤人的不适刀刃。Former Red to remember, not the blade of wounding.

吹尽了滚滚红尘,却吹不散弹指的相逢。Blow out the red dust, but can not scatter to meet.

轻点红尘,一溪墨色的凄凉跃然心间。Click the Red, a stream of bleak vividly ink heart.

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我深知,我已经把自己遗失在红尘之外。I know, I have put my lost in the world of mortals.

碧草追游骑,红尘拜扫车。Bicao chasing Ranger, Red Dust prayer sweep vehicle.

看红尘,你是青丝飘飘,舞动清风。Look at the Red, you Jingsi Music, dancing cool breeze.