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他的义父两年前去世了。His adoptive father died 2 years ago.

义父义父对我比对自己的亲生儿子还要好。My adoptive father is nicer to me than to his own son.

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义父义母对他的养育又是另一层含义。It is another meaning that foster parents bring up the one.

铁彪服侍义父吃早饭,却忍不住讲出今天在市集所见奇遇。Puma YiFu serve breakfast iron, but cant help speaking out in the market today see adventures.

露茜·费瑞厄在这个木屋中长大片来,她帮助义父处理一切事务。Lucy Ferrier grew up within the log-house, and assisted her adopted father in all his undertakings.

外键约束允许您定义父表和子表之间的引用完整性。A Foreign key constraint allows you to define referential integrity between a parent and child table.

仇人之子近在咫尺,王芷兰怒火中烧,不顾义父的劝说,趁夜找鲍眼人寻仇。The enemy's son Wang Zhilan angry, close at hand, regardless of Yifu persuasion, while the night looking for Bao Man revenge.

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你们凯撒的义父在世的时候,每次想到了征服国土的计划,往往把他的嘴唇放在这一个卑微的所在,雨也似的吻着它。Your Caesar's father oft, When he hath mused of taking kingdoms in, Bestow'd his lips on that unworthy place, As it rain'd kisses.

铁彪在义父生忌之日暗中拜祭,并表明会尽一切可能,把玉瓶交到天地会。Puma YiFu iron in birthday the day of worship offering in secret, and show that would do everything possible, the bottle will make heaven and earth.

铁彪含泪向义父智释的坟墓前叩拜,说终已完成了义父的遗命,现在就是死也今生无悔。Puma YiFu wisdom to iron tears of the tomb release, he said will have finished the YiFu gave commandment, now is dead also this life without regret.