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他决定把这畜生溺死。He decided to drown the animal.

连想都别想,小畜生。Don't even try, you little runt.

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我真觉得人是顶狡狯的畜生。I do think men are cunning brutes.

哦,我明白了。我还以为他是个畜生呢。Oh, I see. Ithought he was a beast.

没有这畜生我活不下去。I can’t survive without this animal.

那畜生很凶猛,而且只喂得半饱。The beast was savage and half-starved.

打开它,这是一个命令,你这个畜生!Open it! That is an order, motherfucker!

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一直都是畜生的眼中钉。A thorn in the eye of the beast to the end.

二十位信赖真相的人类与七千只畜生。Twenty score men and seven thousand beasts.

我十分勉强地完成了这次的任务,以后再也不会去帮那些畜生了。I'll never go to the aid of the brutes again.

利居室、入货人民畜生。Li-bedroom, into the cargo people and beasts.

小心,同伴。这些畜生蛮疯狂的。Careful, mate. These buggers are prolly rabid.

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一直都是畜生的眼中钉。安息。A thorn in the eye of the beast to the end. RIP.

一头非常善良的畜生,有一颗好良心。THESEUS A very gentle beast, and of a good conscience.

为什麽鸡、猪、牛会堕落为畜生?Why chickens, pigs, and cows would rebirth as animals?

畜生,又是埃及航空计划的一大挫败啊。Dang it, another major set-back for Egypts space program.

答应这些事物,那些畜生们答应过的事情。By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power.

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这畜生一跃而起,扑到了机器上。The brute leapt into the air, flinging itself onto the machine.

“你的行为简直像畜生,”他岳母说。“You’ve behaved like a complete shit, ” his mother-in-law said.

没有人类在丛林共和国中生活的,我们都是畜生。No human beings live here in Jungle Republic. We are all animals.