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蜂蜜色的短衣放浪的棕色头发。Honey colored shorty with insane brown hair.

狂野不羁,自由放浪的他,眼睛深邃如大海。Wild and unruly, free Sweet Degeneration of his eyes deep as the sea.

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她的很多行为都被正统的婆婆视为放浪。Her a lot of behavior are regarded as by lineal mother-in-law Bohemian.

所以也绝对不能说,发出声音滴女生就是生性放浪。So it definitely can not say that girls are naturally sound drops EXILE.

我是一个俗人,形骸放浪惯了,改不了也不想改。I am a vulgar person, the skeleton used to dissolute , can't change also don't want to change.

与之相比,放浪的法国闹剧到底有无优点,都显得无足轻重了。it raises a much larger question than the merits of an insignificant version of a loose French farce.

他风流不羁,放浪于烟花柳巷,无心社稷,专于才情,青楼是他创作的源泉。His dissolute unruly, turn to the brothels, careless, specializing in talent, is he a source of creation.

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郊区比较放浪的女性成年礼派对甚至拿迷你钢管当舞蹈道具。And mini-poles have even been spotted as dance props at extravagant bat mitzvah parties in suburban precincts.

他的来源可以追溯至一些把黑暗尊主描绘成放浪赏金猎人的概念图。He can trace his origins to rejected Darth Vader concepts that once had the Dark Lord as a rogue bounty hunter.

不敢相信,他中了什么邪?也许一点圣洁古巴利布瑞酒,让他变得放浪了。I don't believe it. What's gotten into him?maybe a couple virgin cuba libres that turned out to be kind of slutty.

这个地区逐渐成为外人眼中大型动物捕猎和欲逃离现代文明的放浪不羁之客的去处。The region developed a reputation as a retreat for big-game hunters and outlaws who wanted to escape civilization.

莱纳尔罗格就这样出场了——一位放浪不羁趾高气昂的澳大利亚人呆在哈利街的一间破旧房屋内。This is where Lionel Logue comes in – a bullish Australian with bohemian manners and shabby premises on Harley Street.

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他是个很优秀、很英俊的年轻人,聪明,敏感,顽强而且胆大,但在他的身上还有某种令人难以琢磨、阴险和放浪的东西。He was a fine, handsome youth, smart, sensitive, tenacious, and bold, but with something in him that was elusive, dark, wild.

如今的我,学着父亲,挺起双肩接受重量,承担责任,去搏击风雨,迎接生活放浪。Today, I learned to his father, to straighten shoulders to accept the weight of responsibility, to fighting wind and rain, to meet the dissolute life.

美国前总统布什的交际花女儿一度有放浪之名,2010年她们重拾往昔,盛装出席联合国儿童基金会举办的化妆舞会。The once-notorious party-girl daughters of former President George W. Bush visited their party days again in 2010 when they dressed up for a UNICEF masquerade ball.

因为那些在生活中被自己的活动弄得精疲力尽的人也是放浪者,他们没有目标来引导每一个行为,总之,他们的所有思想都是无目的的。For those too are triflers who have wearied themselves in life by their activity, and yet have no object to which to direct every movement, and, in a word, all their thoughts.

大多数的照片都拍摄于周五和周六晚的威尔士首都卡迪夫,向人们展示了一副充斥着酒精味的放浪声色的景象。Taken over a series of Friday and Saturday nights on the streets of Cardiff, the Polish student's images provide a shocking insight into alcohol-fuelled debauchery in the Welsh capital.

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开场的服饰确实是灰色的但又在灰度上有所不同,从头顶的放浪不羁的礼帽,到上身网状运动上衣,再到下身的长裤和时装鞋,都运用了孔格缝纫凸显层次美感。The opening outfits were indeed gray suits but in different shades, and with layers of perforated fabrics that moved from rakish hats, to athletic mesh tops, down to trousers and shoes.

这部小说里展开的满洲、俄罗斯东部的广漠大地,以及美丽的贝加尔湖等空间,在李光洙的小说里具有放浪逃避意识、救赎意识、死亡意识等方面的意义。The description of Manchuria, the huge area in eastern Russia and the beautiful Lake Baikal in the novel reflects Lee's escape from reality, redeeming from consciousness of death consciousness.