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矢志不移地追求你的爱恋。Your love I do seek.

爱恋永远是我给你的礼物。Love is always my gift to you.

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你爱的人其实正爱恋着你。The one you loved is loving you.

对于我的马子,我有无限的爱恋。For my Ma, I have a boundless love.

他轻声在她耳畔倾吐爱恋之言。He breathed words of love into her ear.

玛姬是他全部的爱恋。Maggie eis the object of all his passion.

这名舞蹈演员爱恋着公主。The dancer was enamoured of the princess.

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他疯狂地爱恋着那个漂亮的姑娘。He was infatuated with the beautiful girl.

我真不否认所谓的爱恋。I will not gainsay love, called love forsooth.

然而,彼此之间的爱恋幽会预料将不会持续太久。But their love-in is not expected to last long.

其实有时候怀念那幼儿班的小爱恋。In fact, sometimes miss the little love that nursery.

浮浮沉沉的爱恋骤然消失在春天。The fluctuating love disappears in the spring suddenly.

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我永远用爱恋的渴想来描画你。I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings.

茉莉呢喃着用花朵来表达对太阳的爱恋。The jasmine’s lisping of love to the sun is her flowers.

很快,女主人便爱上了这只鸟儿,可这场爱恋并不般配。Soon the lady fell in love, but it was a mismatched love.

当我凝视着你的眼睛,我能看见你隐隐的爱恋。But darlin' when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same.

这般如此不可一世的爱恋,就如同毒药醉人。How insufferably arrogant for the love affair , like poison.

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多少次,路过的列车带走我曾经的爱恋。Times and times, The gone- by train took away my best loves.

不过,还是谨慎为妙,有时候,夏之爱恋会随夏之逝去而逝去.But do be wary. Sometimes, summer romance ends with the season.

以及你纯洁的目光,带着爱恋和热情注视我的眼睛。The way you innocently look into my eyes, with love and passion.