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在X所设定的本位币为人民币。The base currency set in X is RMB.

这一和弦中有两个本位音。There are two naturals in this chord.

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在X所设定的本位币为人民币。In X the set functional currency is RMB.

山岭海岛都被挪移离开本位Every mountain and island moved from its place.

多少年来我们一直陷入在美国本位的泥潭里。We are stuck with the dollar standard for many years.

儿童本位观念源于西方人文主义思潮。The children-oriented idea came from western humanism.

后发国家参与全球化进程的价值本位在于谋求自主发展。The value of such involvement is to seek self-development.

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民法本位是民法的根本指归。Civill law standard is the essential destination of civil law.

本公司以人民币为记账本位币。The financial statements of the corporation are stated in RMB.

二战后,各国采用了美元汇兑本位。After World War II, nations adopted the dollar-exchange standard.

分析形成“民本位”的新闻传播理念的主要原因。Third, the main reasons that form "people oriented " is analyzed.

合营公司采用人民币为记账本位币。The joint venture company adopts RMB as its accounts keeping unit.

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所谓中国的本位文化,这个“本位”是什么呢?" The so-called Chinese-based culture, this "standard" what is it?

底部有根音的和弦为本位和弦。A chord with the root at the bottom is said to be in root position.

“总帐”业务单支持帐与本位币一对一的关系。General Ledger business unit supports one base currency per ledger.

企业通常应选择人民币作为记账本位币。An enterprise shall, in general, choose RMB as its functional currency.

在现代社会,权利本位是贯穿整个系统的精义。In modern society the right-oriented doctrine is the soul of the system.

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记帐本位币一经确定,不得随意变更。This reporting currency shall not be changed at will once it is adopted.

他使地震动,离其本位,地的柱子就摇撼。Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

“你是说,”老师问,所有的自我提高都是自我本位的?Do you mean, " asked the teacher, that all self-improvement is egotistic ?"