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而他的罪行呢?And his crime?

这些是严重的罪行。These are serious offences.

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他所写的报道与罪行有关。His story bears on the crime.

这些罪行不分国界。These crimes know no borders.

很多网上罪行出现。Many web-related crimes arise.

归咎于理查德的罪行。the crimes imputed to Richard.

他犯下了严重罪行。He has committed a serious crime.

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耽于声色口腹之乐乃是这个时代的罪行。Sensuality is the sin of the age.

毒品是严重的罪行。Drug-smuggling is a serious crime.

我的罪行是,我是一个自高自大。My crime is that I was an egotist.

战争罪﹐我觉得﹐是确定不疑的罪行。So a war crime, I'm afraid, it was.

那个囚犯交代了罪行。The prisoner babbled out his guilt.

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人们为什么会容忍某些罪行呢?Why are we tolerant of some crimes?

他不敢告诉我们他的罪行。He dare not tell us his eil conduct.

恐怖分子的罪行令人发指。The terrorist crimes dripped horror.

罪行的稗草会结出苦果。The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.

陪审团宣告她未犯所控的诸行罪行。The jury acquitted her of all charges.

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他彻底交代了自己的罪行。He made a full confession of his crime.

你把我这沉默认为我的罪行。This silence for my sin you did impute.

她坚决否认曾听过这宗罪行。She forswore any knowledge of the crime.