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我会尽全力与他重修旧好。I'll try my best to mend fences with him.

也许我该回去和娜欧蜜重修旧好。Maybe I should get back together with Naomi.

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如今夫妇俩正努力重修旧好。Now the couple is trying to work things out.

你看我们可不可能重修旧好呢?Do you see any chance that we can get back together?

她甚至根本不希望他再来重修旧好。She would not even wish for any renewal of his attention.

她甚至根本不希望他再来重修旧好。She would not even wish for any renewal of his attentions.

如果你的朋友就是不愿意重修旧好,就接受这事实并继续自己的生活吧。If your friend isn't willing to work things out, accept it and move on.

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年分居后朋友们设法使他与妻子重修旧好。Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation.

每年圣诞节,她仍会回来,希望能重修旧好。Still, every Christmas, she returned, hoping to rekindle some form of romance.

山姆真的离开酒店去了洛杉矶和戴安重修旧好了吗?Was Sam really going to ditch the bar to move to L.A. with the reemerged Diane?

或者我在深夜给前女友发邮件,希望我们能重修旧好。Or the time I sent that late night email to my ex-girlfriend that we should get back together.

我乐意倾听你的感觉,因为我相信我们可以重修旧好。I am willing to listen to your feelings because I do care and I trust that we can work this out.

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迈克尔就一直老缠着我,说想借新年之际跟我重修旧好,结果我俩鬼扯了半天,重修到床上去了。Michael had always hoped for a reunion and on New Year's Day, after a long fight, we ended up in bed.

有些团体为男性失业者提供协助,另一些团体则帮助他们与疏远的家人重修旧好。Some groups help men cope with unemployment, and others help them reconnect with their alienated families.

不要谴责别人,不然会让别人远离你,而这些人正是你想与他们重修旧好的。Avoid charging in with accusations, as this will only alienate people with whom you're trying to mend fences.

她能打败诡谲多变的海水、忍受冰冷的温度,并将体能推到极限,鼓舞了许多层级的人,甚至让两个国家重修旧好!and push her body to such extreme limits inspires people on so many levels. It even can bring countries together!

如果你在办公室谈话中一直保持积极向上的态度,你就不必为解释自己的话或者和别人重修旧好而多费心思。If you stay positive in your office conversations, you'll never need to defend your words or repair hurt feelings.

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从美国的利益考虑似乎得支持伊朗国内想摆脱该政权并欲与西方重修旧好的那些成员。U.S. interests would seem to dictate supporting those elements in Iran who wish to be rid of the regime and re-engage the West.

在重修旧好的过程中,那些听起来过火的、不合理的东西可能是说话人的言语引起的。All that sounded extravagant or irrational in the progress of the reconciliation might have no origin but in the language of the relators.

尽管这样,他希望和叙利亚重修旧好,并确信这一争议能够被解决,也希望我尽快召集和谈。Nevertheless, he wanted to make peace with Syria, was confident the issues could be resolved, and wanted me to convene negotiations as soon as possible.