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如果你的脸形是圆的」力就选个刚好切合你脸型大小的发型。If your face is round, choose a hairstyle that frames your face.

他们的脸形一般较长,因此西装领子较宽广狭长。They face a long, therefore suit than the broad and narrow collar.

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这是一双能表现情感的眼睛。他的脸形很适合上镜。It's the eyes that show emotion. His face is perfect for television.

举例来说,你能准确地描绘出五个好朋友的脸形吗?For instance, can you describe accurately the faces of five good friends?

轮廓分明的脸形,加上一头天生的略带棕色的波浪卷发,这是我的特征。A slender face, covered by waved hair with a little brown, and this is my characteristic.

其脸形为高额头、直鼻梁、点红小口,细眉细眼。Figures usually have high foreheads, straight noses, small and red lips and thin brows and eyes.

这是一张合成脸,或者成为“变体”,由八位正常小脚女性的脸形组合而成。It is a composite face, or "morph", made from the faces of eight women with unusually small feet.

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该算法简单易行而且对人脸的尺寸、脸形、光照、背景复杂性等没有限制,适用于不同质量的图像。The algorithm is simple and have no restrict to the size, shape, light and background of the face.

选择合适发型时,你的脸形和五官也发挥了重要作用。After you have undergone a proper research on your part, it is the time to talk to your hair stylist.

举例来说,你能准确地描绘出五个好朋友的脸形吗?你们中有些人可以,但许多人不行。For instance, can you describe accurately the faces of five good friends? Some of you can, but many cannot.

错视对人体的矫正可分为对脸形的矫正和对体形的矫正。Wrong, as the human body can be divided into pairs to correct facial shape corrected and the right to correct.

在服装设计中,可以利用错视的规律来调剂服装的造型、补充体形和脸形的缺陷。In costume design, we can use the law as wrong to adjust the shapes of clothing, body shape and facial make up for deficiencies.

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总的来说,以上所谈到的几种脸形艺术都是特定历史时期,人类内心世界的外在的象征和符号形式。On the whole, the above mentioned facial arts are symbol and representation of presenting people's inner world in a specific historical period.

圆形脸比较适合超短或整齐的刘海来调整脸形,这样的刘海用在短发中效果会特别好。Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle.

依据某些个人特征,如脸形、指纹、声纹、手写签字习惯等可以进行人的身份验证。The status of an individual can be identified in the light of its characteristics such as features, fingerprint, voice pattern and the habit of signature ect.

从生物认证系统的各模块分析它们对系统错误率的影响,导出几个通用错误率方程,并给出一个脸形认证的测试例子以说明影响系统错误率的因素。In this paper, the author analyzes subsystems of biometric authentication systems and their impact on error rate. Some general systems error rate equations will be developed.

按亚洲人脸形设计独特的双重防雾功能,镜片本身采用纳米防雾技术处理,同时通过呼吸气流不断冲刷面屏表面达到除雾效果。Design base on Asian features. Unique dual anti-fog function, visor's surface treated with nano anti-fog technique and the respiratory airflow washing the visor continuously for moving fog as well.