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轻吟一句情话,执笔一副情画。Sing a love words, Draw a love picture.

还有约翰福音是由约翰的信徒执笔。And that John was written by the disciple of John.

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油尽灯枯了,我现在执笔时已经漆黑一片。The lamp's gone out, and I'm writing in the darkness.

当你第一次执笔写作时你发生什么了?What happened to you when you first set words to paper?

执笔撰写使命宣言时当它是永恒不变的。Write your mission statement as if it will never change.

以下是林春明弟兄执笔的回想。Below is a reflection of the service by Brother Chunming Lin.

您是否或你的任一个共同执笔者有任何利益冲突?Do you or any of your co-authors have any conflict of interest?

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嗣后,由鲍元恺教授的研究生、作曲家朱培宾执笔,于2007年底完成了改编工作。It was completed in end 2007 by Professor Bao's student Zhu Peibin.

大学校长是那部教科书的第一执笔人。The president of a university is the first author of the text book.

大学校长是那部教科书的第一执笔人。The president of a university is the first author of the text hook.

谁将执笔,主导和管理你的社交媒体内容?Who will be writing, driving and managing your social media content?

协议是不需要有人做公证的,也不需要由律师来执笔。An agreement does not need to be notarized or written up by a lawyer.

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著作权人可以支付执笔人适当的报酬。The copyright holder may pay appropriate remunerations to the writers.

我第一次执笔大约在2002年与2003年,写了一部科幻小说。The first novel I ever attempted to writer was in about 2002 and 2003.

以赛亚执笔写书时,怱忙症正在以色列地蔓延。Isaiah wrote in a day when there was an epidemic of hurry sickness in Israel.

这篇文章是集体讨论,王同志执笔的。The article was discussed by us all, but Comrade Wang did the actual writing.

秋日银杏叶满天,校长执笔树下签。With ginkgo leaves flying in the autumn sky , Principal wrote words on a piece.

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这份研究报告共同执笔人丹尼尔.毕尔说,跑车要失去它的光彩了。Daniel Beal, co-author of the study, said the sports car started to lose its sheen.

本书以乐黛云口述历史的丰富材料为基础,由卡罗琳·维克曼执笔完成。The book was written by Carolyn Wakeman from extensive notes of Yue's oral history.

笔法包括执笔和运笔两个方面。The technique of writing includes two aspects of holding and wielding brush writings.