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这个项目可谓是“一箭双雕”。The goal of the project is twofold.

有时还可以一箭双雕。Sometimes we can kill two birds with one stone.

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这样他就能一箭双雕。This way- he can kill two fowls with one stone.

为了加速我的逃跑,我们决定采取一箭双雕的行动。To speed my escape, we decided to kill two birds with one stone.

故事情节的安排使整个广告更紧凑、吸引眼球,也更生动的体现了三星相机的高防抖品质,一箭双雕。The story-based ad is not only eye-catchy, but also shows the high quality of the camera.

这也是加深彼此了解的一种方法,希望得到一箭双雕的结果。This is also a kind of mutual understanding, and I hope to be the result of kill two birds with one.

多问问题会拉近你和身边人的距离,还有可能省下你一大部分时间,这是一箭双雕。Asking questions will bring you closer to the people around you and likely save you a huge chunk of time. Win-win.

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因此,创建外籍军团看来是一种一箭双雕的理想方法。The formation of a foreign legion seemed therefore to be an ideal method of killing these two birds with one stone.

就在天空上面,我将以一箭双雕之功将牛郎织女星都射下来送给你作为情人节礼物。just in the sky ,i will shoot down the Cowherd and Girl-Weaver stars for you as the Valentine's gift with only one arrow.

读英文文章,你就能一箭双雕,你可以提高你的英文能力和了解外国文化。By reading English articles, you can kill two birds with one stone. You can improve your English and learn more foreign cultures.

鉴于该女孩在非洲塞内加尔首都达卡尔人,说英语,那就一箭双雕吧!As the African girl living in Daker Senegal speaking English, I kill two birds with one stone, wtiting both in Chines and English.

"这种'一箭双雕'的作用巨大,能从美联储停手之日起将央行的影响有效延长数月,"他们指出."This 'double-whammy' is powerful, and effectively extends the Fed involvement several months from their official end date," they said.

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石原向赤阪汇报,春子博取突击队的信任、诱敌深入,乃是一箭双雕之计,已经成功。The Ishihara report to the Akasaka, ChunZi to assault team trust, depth, but the plan has been successfully kill two birds with one stone.

相信我,大多数活跃的掘客会像你一样用这个办法扩大社交圈子,这样你通过他们又认识了更多的人,可谓一箭双雕。Trust me. Most of the active diggers also have profiles on a lot of the other social networks, so you are killing many birds with one stone.

欧朵思希望在国际市场积极拓展,并扩大对冲基金和私募股权业务的规模,入职没几天她就找到了一箭双雕的办法。Erdoes wanted to expand internationally and enlarge hedge fund and private equity operations. On one of her first days on the job she found a way to do both.

于是,拿人民币汇率问题说事,不仅可以达到一箭双雕的目的,而且立起一个明确的“靶子”,可以向失业者交代他们为什么丢了工作。Therefore, putting RMB exchange rate on the table, the US government can not only set up a target, but also give the unemployed an explanation of their situation.

在高危人群中推广使用避孕套在预防艾滋病毒及其他性传播感染的性传播方面可以起到一箭双雕的作用。Also, promotion of condom use among high-risk groups allows us to kill two birds with one stone, with regard to preventing sexually transmitted HIV and other STIs.

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检察官三日将这名企图一箭双雕的恶狼,依妨害性自主罪嫌起诉。The public prosecutor on third the wicked wolf which kills two birds with one stone this attempt, according to hindrance independent suspicion of offense prosecution.

这种一箭双雕的政治打击,对近代中国的政制建设产生了“破旧”却没能真正“立新”的复杂的历史影响。This double political assault exerted a complicated political influence on modem China's political system by "destroying the old" while failing to "establishing the new".