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救亡图存的民族使命迫在眉睫。To salvage China from subjugation was an urgent mission for the Chinese nation.

在当时救亡图存的迫切需要下,他把科学视为解决问题的利器。In that save-demand needing time, he regarded science as the sharp tool to save China.

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有识之士莫不心焦如焚,极力探索救亡图存的真正出路。Insightful people who did not anxious Rufen, vigorously explore the true way to salvation.

中国的爱国主义教育则往往是与救亡图存、摆脱被侵略奴役的悲惨命运相关联。On the other hand, in China it is related to breaking away from invasion and miserable fate.

本文认为救亡图存是中国近代爱国主义的历史主题。The article holds that national salvation is the historical theme of modern China's patriotism.

它从一个侧面反映了在近代中国内忧外患的历史条件下,中国人民救亡图存与自强求富的基本要求。It reflected the demands of Chinese people's rescue of the nation and prosperity of the country.

在此危难时刻,中国知识分子肩负起救亡图存的重任。In this time of crisis, the Chinese intellectuals shoulder the responsibility of survival and salvation.

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抗战文学以宣扬抗战为旗帜,其成就在于以文学救亡图存。The literature people to fight against Japanese and its achievements lie in saving the nation through literature.

构成现代社会的魂魄,应该是救亡图存、反抗侵略的民族精神。Constitute the soul of modern society, it should be national salvation against the aggression of the national spirit.

救亡图存,振奋国人的爱国思想成为时代主题是五四前后陈独秀报刊编辑思想形成的社会大背景。Patriotic thought that has been becoming the theme of the times was the background about the formation of the thought.

自此,民主与法治,同救亡图存一起,构成了中国人民追求和奋斗的目标之一。Since then, democracy, rule of law and national salvation have become one of aims Chinese people pursue and strive for.

随着五四新文化运动的开始,“西学东渐”再次兴起,油画担当了救亡图存的历史使命。With the beginning of the New Culture Movement, "Western Learning" rise again, oil played a historical mission of national salvation.

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近代知识分子的民族主义思想既是知识分子近代启蒙思想的一部分,同时也是知识分子在近代救亡图存的社会实践活动。So the Intellect"s enlightenment in modern times, but the Intellect"s social practice of saving our nation and country from the perish.

只有培育具有“自由之意志,独立之人格”的现代人,才能从根本上救亡图存。Only if we train the modern people with the personality of "free wills, independent personality ", could save our country fundamentally.

中国近现代社会中有两大交替出现的主流意识形态,即救亡图存、革命思潮和思想启蒙思潮。In Chinese modern society there were two alternating mainstream ideologies, that is, salvation and revolutionary thought, and enlightenment.

在音乐的实用性与社会功能方面,从黄友棣身上可以看出前辈音乐家致力于民族化乐曲创作的努力,以及试图以音乐完成民族救亡图存的社会责任心。From Mr. Hwang Yau-Tai we can see the effort of a senior musician in keeping national style and in trying to save the nation by music education.

19世纪末的中国面临严重的危机,作为一位曾留学西方的思想家,严复在此时提出了一系列救亡图存的主张。When China was in crisis in the late 19th century, Yenfu, who had studied in the West, presented several propositions on how to make China survive.

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这在当时对唤醒民众投身救亡图存斗争之中,无疑起了积极作用。His views played an important part in calling on the people to plunge themselves into the straggle of saving their country from perishing from the world.

中国近现代史,既是一部民族救亡图存的奋斗史,也是一部民族文化不断遭受冲击走向虚无的西化史。The modern Chinese history is both a history of struggle of the nation for survival and one of westernization of the national culture under western impact.

梁启超奉行经世致用的思想,他用进化论宣传生存竞争的道理,希望借此达到救亡图存的目的。Liang Qichao pursued Using ideology. He publicized the idea of survival competition by the Evolution Theory. And he wanted to save the nation from extinction.